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Crash report

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 10:52:34 AM
Tlaloc wrote:

This seems like the place to put these:


There are 3 in there, the one with the highest number occurred after a full re-install. Also contained inside are my DXdiag and what I'm certain is a useless windows report thrown in there as well. My computer is a Samsung NP300E5C-A0BCA Laptop running Windows 10. With all the drivers updated. I have already tried all the posted suggestions, running my computer in the various compatibility modes. I seem to be within the minimum system requirements, but I may have overlooked something. Thank you for your tireless dedication to good gaming, hopefully this is a problem that can be resolved, the Endlessness beckons towoard me.

Hi Tlaloc,

This is really weird: the game says it is running on a GTX 760 (fine to run the game), but the dxdiag shows only an Intel HD 3000 as display device. Or did you run the DXDiag with the Nvidia card deactivated?

Also can you tell me how far you made it in the game? It seems you generated a galaxy and started a game from what I can read.


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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 10:04:48 PM

Hi again,

Here another crash report, same as the first post of this discussion. It occured during a game while i was just navigating the map.  

Edit : In fact it happened during an enemy turn, just crashed again while waiting for my turn (turn 70 if it can be of any useful information).



And a new DxDiag (I just updated my video drivers.


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 7:43:35 PM
AmpliMath wrote:
Tlaloc wrote:

This seems like the place to put these:


There are 3 in there, the one with the highest number occurred after a full re-install. Also contained inside are my DXdiag and what I'm certain is a useless windows report thrown in there as well. My computer is a Samsung NP300E5C-A0BCA Laptop running Windows 10. With all the drivers updated. I have already tried all the posted suggestions, running my computer in the various compatibility modes. I seem to be within the minimum system requirements, but I may have overlooked something. Thank you for your tireless dedication to good gaming, hopefully this is a problem that can be resolved, the Endlessness beckons towoard me.

Hi Tlaloc,

This is really weird: the game says it is running on a GTX 760 (fine to run the game), but the dxdiag shows only an Intel HD 3000 as display device. Or did you run the DXDiag with the Nvidia card deactivated?

Also can you tell me how far you made it in the game? It seems you generated a galaxy and started a game from what I can read.


So I've done some digging, and as far as I can tell I do only have the Intel HD 3000. I tried to open the Nvidia Control panel and was informed "NVIDIA Display settings are not available. An NVIDIA graphic card was not detected in your system." So that may be the crux of my problem. As far as when the game crashes, it crashes at start-up, after the loading bar fills and a few seconds of music play. Before it even loads the main menu.

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 5:55:05 PM

Hmm, look strange but I find the way to fix my crashes.

In my case game was crashing after loading game - just when the faction intro video supposed to start.

So I updated my... video codecs (k-lite codec pack). And now it work correctly. 

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 5:30:12 PM
AmpliMath wrote:
bilbo1010 wrote:
AmpliMath wrote:

OK I did not read correctly the error log. It seems your graphics card (AMD 3800) is below the minimal configuration defined in the Steam store.

Can you try to set the General/Launch Options in Steam with the "--gui-compatibility true" command line parameter? It will activate some emulation for the missing features in your graphic card.

Let me know how it works.



I tried that command line parameter, that doesn't work. i don't have crash anymore, but the loading of the game freeze at 10%.

I also tried to active crossfire (as i have 2 graphics cards AMD 38100) but that doesn't work better :/

PS : Sorry for posting in 2 differents topics the same informations, i'll stay here from now to let the forum clear for you. 

Sorry, I misspelled it yesterday. The correct parameter is "--gui-compatibility=true" (replace <space> with "=").

Can you try again?

I will try it as soon as possible. And i'll tell you the result as soon as possible too (i'm just not home this week-end so i won't be able to test until monday :/)

if it doesn't work, i'll give you dxdiag.

Anyways, Thanks a lot for trying to help me. it's really nice.

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 4:53:33 PM
Obyguane wrote:

Hi there !

To make sure of what is your exact configuration and what is the revision of your drivers, could you run a DxDiag and send us the report ?

Thanks !

Here it is.


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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 12:58:17 PM

Hi there !

To make sure of what is your exact configuration and what is the revision of your drivers, could you run a DxDiag and send us the report ?

Thanks !

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 12:16:45 PM
AmpliMath wrote:
B2ROM wrote:


I don't know if there is a more convenient way for you to collect crash reports, but here is one I got for you. Dunno how the crash occured

The files :


Hi there,

Do you know when this happened? At game launch? I remember seeing this kind of output on a very rare occasion, but we could not manage to reproduce it.


The crash happened during a game, and I don't remember exactly, but I would say during an AI turn. I had a similar crash during an AI turn some time later but a crash report wasn't generated (I probably prematurely ended the task out of impatience).

And by the way, amazing work as far it goes, I'm really excited about the complete version of the game.

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 10:57:19 AM
AmpliMath wrote:
ShadowDD wrote:

Hi guys!
Can you help me solve that problem?
I have updated the video card driver. Did not help.

Hey ShadowDD,

From what I can see, you were able to generate a galaxy and start a game. Can you tell us how far you went into the game? Any specific action which you perform? Did you pass a turn?


After the loading screen for Vodyani. When you try to go to the main menu. Well, a couple of situations that do not remember exactly. Now I reinstall the game.

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 10:54:08 AM
bilbo1010 wrote:
AmpliMath wrote:

OK I did not read correctly the error log. It seems your graphics card (AMD 3800) is below the minimal configuration defined in the Steam store.

Can you try to set the General/Launch Options in Steam with the "--gui-compatibility true" command line parameter? It will activate some emulation for the missing features in your graphic card.

Let me know how it works.



I tried that command line parameter, that doesn't work. i don't have crash anymore, but the loading of the game freeze at 10%.

I also tried to active crossfire (as i have 2 graphics cards AMD 38100) but that doesn't work better :/

PS : Sorry for posting in 2 differents topics the same informations, i'll stay here from now to let the forum clear for you. 

Sorry, I misspelled it yesterday. The correct parameter is "--gui-compatibility=true" (replace <space> with "=").

Can you try again?

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 10:44:25 AM
ShadowDD wrote:

Hi guys!
Can you help me solve that problem?
I have updated the video card driver. Did not help.

Hey ShadowDD,

From what I can see, you were able to generate a galaxy and start a game. Can you tell us how far you went into the game? Any specific action which you perform? Did you pass a turn?


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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 6:43:57 AM

This seems like the place to put these:


There are 3 in there, the one with the highest number occurred after a full re-install. Also contained inside are my DXdiag and what I'm certain is a useless windows report thrown in there as well. My computer is a Samsung NP300E5C-A0BCA Laptop running Windows 10. With all the drivers updated. I have already tried all the posted suggestions, running my computer in the various compatibility modes. I seem to be within the minimum system requirements, but I may have overlooked something. Thank you for your tireless dedication to good gaming, hopefully this is a problem that can be resolved, the Endlessness beckons towoard me.

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 6:25:14 AM
AmpliMath wrote:

OK I did not read correctly the error log. It seems your graphics card (AMD 3800) is below the minimal configuration defined in the Steam store.

Can you try to set the General/Launch Options in Steam with the "--gui-compatibility true" command line parameter? It will activate some emulation for the missing features in your graphic card.

Let me know how it works.



I tried that command line parameter, that doesn't work. i don't have crash anymore, but the loading of the game freeze at 10%.

I also tried to active crossfire (as i have 2 graphics cards AMD 38100) but that doesn't work better :/

PS : Sorry for posting in 2 differents topics the same informations, i'll stay here from now to let the forum clear for you. 

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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 11:52:41 PM

For lack of a better place to send it, here is another crash log. Crashed while clicking to zoom inside a solar system.


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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 10:14:23 PM

OK I did not read correctly the error log. It seems your graphics card (AMD 3800) is below the minimal configuration defined in the Steam store.

Can you try to set the General/Launch Options in Steam with the "--gui-compatibility=true" command line parameter? It will activate some emulation for the missing features in your graphic card.

Let me know how it works.



EDITED: corrected the command line parameter to "--gui-compatibility=true" (was a <space> instead of an "=")

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 8:25:59 PM
bilbo1010 wrote:

Hi guys, 

Same here, game crashed.

here are the 2 logs i got from my 2 tries.



Hi bilbo1010,

From what I see in the log, this is a graphical crash when trying to access graphical functions. I am going to state the obvious, but can you try to update your graphics drivers and see if it works better. It may sounds silly, but most of htese issues come from outdated drivers.



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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 8:24:28 PM
B2ROM wrote:


I don't know if there is a more convenient way for you to collect crash reports, but here is one I got for you. Dunno how the crash occured

The files :


Hi there,

Do you know when this happened? At game launch? I remember seeing this kind of output on a very rare occasion, but we could not manage to reproduce it.

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