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Random voting?

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 11:15:23 PM

Polls and actions to influence the vote seem to have zero relation to the actual vote outcome. I keep pumping money into keeping Scientists with their 60-70% support on top, but oftentimes they are either tied defeated by other factions.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 5:38:48 AM

I've noticed the same thing. Population surveys and all visible indications seem to point to a majority for scientist party, but it always keeps swinging in Pacifist favor on me in at least the first two elections. 

Also, I so far can't seem to get a third party into the senate. Here's the weirdness I've noticed:

  • First election I manually add support to Scientist party which is already at 75% against Pacifist party (there are some Haroshem in population on homeworld), and the pre-election survey shows big Scientist majority. However the election inexplicably swings to Pacifist majority. So, in the next 20 turns:
  • Got a quest to increase population support for Militarist party by 30% on 3 Systems. 
  • Added a Militarist governor to a system.
  • Assimilated a Warmonger minor race. 
  • Got attacked and declared war on by the Cravers and lost a system to them.
  • Built several war ships. 
  • Fought Several battles.
  • Successfully COMPLETED the quest to increase population to 30% Militarist party, so (I think) I know for a fact that I should have at least a 30% Militarist representation. 
  • Second election: The Pacifists just increase their lead over Scientists and there are ZERO Militarists votes. 

WHAT!? LOL. I'm at war with the Cravers (because they attacked us like they attack everyone) and the Senate just gets MORE Pacifist? 

I'm loving EA already, and the population / politics system is really promising - I love the idea of having to react to things that you can't plan perfectly for - but it seems like even the most basic parts of it are not quite wired up yet. 

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 10:52:22 AM

Yeah, I had... oh, what was it... 90-95% in favor of the Scientist block during a census, but then the Pacifists won the election by 52% 5 turns later. So either this is a clever satire of pre-elections censuses, and how they're influenced by who you're asking, or the mechanic hasn't been properly implemented.

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 11:11:54 AM
edgelore wrote:

I've noticed the same thing. Population surveys and all visible indications seem to point to a majority for scientist party, but it always keeps swinging in Pacifist favor on me in at least the first two elections. 

Yes, I've noticed the exact same thing than you.

Even when looking at the systems after, the majority is still for Scientists, but Pacifists win, even with a financial support for Scientists.

I don't get it.

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 4:38:30 PM

Hi all,

We will look into this. Do you have saved games just before the election. This will make it faster for us to analyse and fix a possible issue. Or maybe there is something very clever going on but which I cannot explain :)


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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 5:40:03 PM

How appropriate, I was just discussing this in another thread. I have savegames at hand, as well as screenshots:

Note how the representatives in system do not at all match the opinions in the scan view or history.

At first I thought this was an issue of the Official Support being pre-selected, but after further tests, it makes a difference of only one voter.

rigged election.zip

pre election.zip

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