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8 years ago
Oct 8, 2016, 2:24:30 AM

hey i created a sophon game which started with the haroshem in my system and quickly out-populated my sophons and basically turned it into a pacifist empire, is there a way to remove their pop form your system and even possibly your empire? would just be cool to have more options with minor factions. Or can you at least balance the political votes (they always voted in pacifists even when i choose every science option and even cheat in an election), just a bit unfair when trying to quickly "our-research" my opponent.


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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 5:50:45 PM
peter_de123 wrote:

I think this is a bug. The Haroshem are on the Sophon Homeworld in every single game i start, but they shouldn't be there.

That the Haroshem are there is not a bug. That is working as designed. Similar for the Mavros on the Craver homeworld, and the Epistics for the Lumeris.

However, that they keep on winning the elections is definitely a bug, being discussed in a different thread

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