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Possible to create a galaxy without connections to the other part

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 4:37:19 PM

Pick tiny galaxy and few constellations option. You can create a galaxy split in multiple parts without any connection between each other.

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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 4:34:40 PM

This may be intended? My Twins Spiral Galaxy has two constellations separated by a gap with no direct node connectivity between the stars. You can still probe for stars beyond the fog and reach the other constellation through Warp Drive technology, a pretty early research. 

Edit: A race quest also allowed me to warp into unknown fog as my quest location was set to a different constellation.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 8:25:38 AM

It is intended, why else should there be this technology so early. And they are conected, but you can only use the wormholes (and see them) with a tier3 tech :)

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 2:22:14 PM

on the other hand, good luck for trading companies :O

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 4:28:01 AM
strike48 wrote:

True buisnessman will go even through wormhole to generate profit.

Lets begin our strategic business meeting with our top item, who's going through the wormhole next

Ok seriously this is just stupid! We've already sent 5 expeditions through and none of them have returned or reported back!

Well DUH. Obviously they're making so much money over there they don't want to share it with us! This is unacceptable! That is OUR money!

Or maybe they're you know dead because some other aliens obliterated them? Or they died in the worm hole. Or literally any other explanation all of which involve horrible painfully slow deaths!

Stop being a negative Nelly! There's money to be made and its not going to get made with closed minded thinking like that! Expedition 6 will succeed where others failed with our new tracking and homing technology to ensure we know what's going on! 

Or it tells us they're all dead like I keep telling you for god sakes!

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 9:17:16 AM
satoru wrote:
strike48 wrote:

True buisnessman will go even through wormhole to generate profit.

Lets begin our strategic business meeting with our top item, who's going through the wormhole next

Ok seriously this is just stupid! We've already sent 5 expeditions through and none of them have returned or reported back!

Well DUH. Obviously they're making so much money over there they don't want to share it with us! This is unacceptable! That is OUR money!

Or maybe they're you know dead because some other aliens obliterated them? Or they died in the worm hole. Or literally any other explanation all of which involve horrible painfully slow deaths!

Stop being a negative Nelly! There's money to be made and its not going to get made with closed minded thinking like that! Expedition 6 will succeed where others failed with our new tracking and homing technology to ensure we know what's going on! 

Or it tells us they're all dead like I keep telling you for god sakes!

Current headcanon.

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