
Some of the bugs appear everywhere, others are supplemented by the save-game above. To keep testing parameters clean I completed no buildings and did no actions in this game that would affect elections. I also did not have any other minor or major discover me. The speed was fast so that turn 10 could be reached without having other actions rig the elections - I was first testing on normal but had minors discover me, so I restarted on fast.

Bug #1 - Finance Campaign

Currently does nothing special - it has exactly the same effect as Official Support.

Bug #2  - Sophon Representative Start

At turn 10:

  • The pop count is 4 ( 3 Sophon 1 Haroshem ) - That would indicate a 75% representation for the scientists ( not taking into account the scientist hero )
  • 10 the representative count is 9 ( 6 scientists 3 pacifists ) - Bringing it down to a 67% representation for the scientists from the overview window ( Not too bad you think ... )
  • NOW ... the pacifists will win this election because the Scientists only end up with 42% support, from an original estimate of 67-75% ( this cannot be influenced as you will see in #3 )

But it gets worse, please stay with me and let´s go over to  #3

Bug #3 - Side Support Bugged in General

The reason why I picked this save-game, is because no matter which side you support the result always stays the same. This is 100% reproducible with the savegame at the top of the post.

Bug #4 - Politics Majority Count

This is a screen from after the election. The representative split is 6/6 out of a total 12. The scientists were the previous majority party, they should stay the majority party. Instead the pacifists take over. In case of a 50/50 draw the party that was the majority prior to the elections should stay as such.


My assumption is that this bug is somehow tied to how the support for Pacifists gets calculated. Before I started testing with the Sophons I noticed this as I was playing a lot of Vodyani, and midgame the Pacifists kept taking over the senate, getting a 40%+ Majority over other factions while I was pumping out warships and committing genocide all around the galaxy. Something did not seem right. Especially since Vodyani do not gain other faction pops, I knew it wasn´t a problem of getting the wrong ideology pops. There is something wrong somewhere with pacifists and someone needs to look into it.