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[BUG] Those Darn Kids

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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 9:09:48 AM

Those Darn kids quest wants me to garrison two ships in two systems, one of these systems the quest picked is an outpost and you can't garrison ships in an outpost.

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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 9:44:09 AM

Additional problems related to the Whapster branch of the "Those Darn Kids" quest:

1. I also had an outpost selected as one of the targets, though mine turned into a full colony before the quest ended.

2. The quest ends on turn 9/10 - the turn prior says 8/10 in the description..

3. The quest fails every time regardless of whether I have the ships in the hangar of the specified systems or not.

4. The tooltip for the quest says "The quest will fail if one of your Systems' hangars contains fewer than 2 ships at the end of the 10th turn. That is far less specific than the quest description which singles out two specific systems. In my case I have 3 Systems, and the quest names my two colonies and not my home system. I don't have enough ships to garrison my home system as well, so I can't test whether that is in fact the problem. (And if having a garrison in all the systems is indeed the correct condition then the description needs to match because I wouldn't have chosen that branch to begin with.)

I have attached the save file for my particular case. (Note that the ships haven't been moved to the hangars yet.)

Sophons 3-1.zip

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