Today I was trying some exploratory testing on ES2 (those who do software testing know what that is, others may use google) and tried the destroyed tour and wanted to break anything in the game - at least try it.

So I tried to find all places where users can put in some content via keyboard (which is not much).

The planet renaming survided all attempts to break something, mainly because it filters most of the interesting charcters from the keyboard (no: ; \ etc.)

The search at the research view does not work like this. There I can enter a string like this: "\s \s \s \s \s" and it will result in: "sss          " beeing displayed. That means some of the \s are interpreted as spaces. This works also with \n etc.

A ";" did not affect the search :-)

Do not get me wrong on this. I am just trying to help the developer by doing things in the test phase that are not supposed to be done.

I guess the developer should also filter for character that are not occuring in the technology names but may have to consider non european characters (e.g.) chineese characters.


The same happens for the ship creation view. One can add the name "\\" and it will create a new ship with no name because the two \\result in an empty string or two spaces. But just using two spaces is not allowed (one cannot click the create button). This way I created a bunch of ships with identical names - no visible names ;-) 

Renaming fleets works fine (same character filter as for systems).

Version: current beta 0.1.3