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On Intel cards.

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8 years ago
Oct 23, 2016, 10:26:41 PM

So, I bought endless space 2 yesterday, 10/23/2016 to be exact, and I quickly found a problem with it instantly after loading it up. It would crash to the desktop every single time I tried to load up the game, and after a bit of looking, I've come to the conclusion that, and while I could be wrong and I may just be stupid, Intel cards aren't supported and that because my computer runs one, I can't play the game. Now, maybe I'm wrong and that Intel cards are supported, but from what I found the contrary was true. As you can tell, I'm not a genius when it comes to computer parts and components, which is why I've come here to ask this.

So, here's the question; If Intel cards are in fact unsupported and are the reason the game keeps crashing on startup for me, will Intel cards ever be supported, and If no, why not? Thanks in advance!

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8 years ago
Oct 25, 2016, 9:22:47 AM

Although a dev said somewhere on the forums that they wanted early assess to be an un-compromised experience, I do think that the game will eventually support Intel cards. (Probably when they are about to ship the game) It is only a matter of time. However, I would personally love to see them focus on technical issues first before implementing more content so that everyone could play and give feedbacks.

Hopefully the devs would come across this thread and "fix" this asap :P

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 25, 2016, 10:30:34 AM

I do believe so, though I have no proof that they will support intel cards. They don't support WIndows 32 bit or Mac OS either but I'm hopeful that things will change during early access. 

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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 12:32:12 AM
john7541 wrote:

Although a dev said somewhere on the forums that they wanted early assess to be an un-compromised experience, I do think that the game will eventually support Intel cards. (Probably when they are about to ship the game) It is only a matter of time. However, I would personally love to see them focus on technical issues first before implementing more content so that everyone could play and give feedbacks.

Hopefully the devs would come across this thread and "fix" this asap :P

Thanks for the reply! I've been excited about  the game for quite some time, so for the most part it was a pretty crummy feeling when I found out I couldn't test it out. Hearing that eventually Intel cards should be implemented later on, is a huge breath of relief for now.

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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 12:35:51 AM
Zennock wrote:

I do believe so, though I have no proof that they will support intel cards. They don't support WIndows 32 bit or Mac OS either but I'm hopeful that things will change during early access. 

Let's hope so; I'm sure the people who want to run the game on Mac and 32 bit are as disappointed as I am. Thanks for the reply, by the way!

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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 2:57:07 PM

32-bit support is extremely unlikley so don't bother hoping for that. Given the population of Steam users on 32-bit is somewhere like %0.15 and that's including XP which isn't supported by MS anymore


Mac support (DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS) is probably going to eventually happen

Intel cards are currently not supported. You can try to get them to work by ensuring you are running the absolutle latest drivers from intel directly. Though YMMV as its a bit random if people can or cannot get Intel cards to work. 

Again DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS but they're likely trying to get Intel cards to work. However note that doing so is fairly challenging, even Clockwork Empires by GasLampGames had to drop it due to inconsistent drivers, inconsistent calls, and just general 'wow this stuff doesnt work'. So while they are likely working on it, that doesn't guarantee that Intel cards will be supported in the future.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 3, 2016, 4:30:57 PM

Mac support will happen at release.

Windows 32 bits will not happen.

Intel chipsets is hazy: while we don't officially support them, some do work with the game, some don't. In any case, you'll need the latest drivers for your chipset if you want to give your computer a chance.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 6, 2016, 12:41:03 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Mac support will happen at release.

Windows 32 bits will not happen.

Intel chipsets is hazy: while we don't officially support them, some do work with the game, some don't. In any case, you'll need the latest drivers for your chipset if you want to give your computer a chance.

I bought the game today and had the same problem just like many other people out there on the steam forums. My intel graphics card works with ES, EL and DotE and I am sure that it is fully updated. So I was just wondering if you guys are gonna try at some point to support them? and if not is it because they are hard to implement or because of another reason? Thanks for replying in advance

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8 years ago
Nov 9, 2016, 1:04:26 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Mac support will happen at release.

Windows 32 bits will not happen.

Intel chipsets is hazy: while we don't officially support them, some do work with the game, some don't. In any case, you'll need the latest drivers for your chipset if you want to give your computer a chance.

Thanks for the reply; and, very good to know. I believe my drivers were fully updated so chances are my card just doesn't like the game very much, so I might just need to save up for a new one. Once again, thanks!

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8 years ago
Nov 9, 2016, 8:20:55 PM

I'm 90% sure i saw info about game working on some intel cards and being prepared to run on even more models. If not dont worry much even relativelu cheap graphic cards should run this game well.

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8 years ago
Nov 10, 2016, 12:03:37 AM
strike48 wrote:

I'm 90% sure i saw info about game working on some intel cards and being prepared to run on even more models. If not dont worry much even relativelu cheap graphic cards should run this game well.

Is very hit or miss. 

Some people have reported it working but there's no real consensus. I can't get it to work with the latest drivers on my HD4400. Others have reported getting it to work with different cards/drivers. But there's no consistent way to know if it will work for a specific Intel card type.

As such you should regard Intel support with a grain of salt. Currently its not supported as per the system requirements. Future support is not guaranteed.

Updated 8 years ago.
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