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8 years ago
Nov 8, 2016, 12:08:56 PM

Hello i just wanted to ask how to you enable the skins on the ships and etc i don't see any options to enable them someone please help

Thanks :)

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8 years ago
Nov 9, 2016, 8:29:21 PM

If you are speaking about Deluxe edition skins for carvers it is good that you cant see them. They aren't present yet so ability to see them would indicate that you are halucinating . I'm guessing that they will be included upon games release. For now developer is likely having higher priorities. Most of deluxe contend will likely have to wait till release.

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8 years ago
Nov 10, 2016, 2:52:59 PM
strike48 wrote:

If you are speaking about Deluxe edition skins for carvers it is good that you cant see them. They aren't present yet so ability to see them would indicate that you are halucinating . I'm guessing that they will be included upon games release. For now developer is likely having higher priorities. Most of deluxe contend will likely have to wait till release.

Huh? You mean the Cravers aren't flourescent green with pink polka dots? That's really strange I'm pretty sure this 'medical' pot is quasi-legal. *bang* Oh wait a sec my monitor was just on the fritz. *bang*

GEEZUS ALL MIGHTY! Why are all these web pages have white backgrounds! Is this normal?!? My eyes!!

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