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Stuck at title screen with no options/buttons to press!

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 3:06:33 PM

Big fan of the series so far so I was very eager to get Endless Space II even at such an early stage of development.

Game launches from Steam as per normal and loads to the title screen but then... nothing. There are no clickable menu options for me - no, I presume, 'New Game', 'Load Game', 'Options', even no 'Leave Game' options at all!.

I can't seem to access *any* functions at all. Not even pressing 'Esc' on my keyboard does anything.

The only response I get from the game is when I press 'Spacebar' which loads a screen that I presume to be a 'Race select' menu as though I'm starting a new game. It displays a screen showcasing the Cravers - a brief history on the right, a planet description, unique phenomena, and FIDS ont he left. But there's no button or option to proceed to the next screen.

When I press 'Spacebar' again, it brings me back to the empty title screen.

The only way to exit the game is to Alt-F4 it. :(

Any suggestions on what to do next?

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 11:51:25 PM

Please post your system specs also please post your dxdiag log as well as the output log of the game

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 9:08:45 AM
awesomecookies wrote:

The only response I get from the game is when I press 'Spacebar' which loads a screen that I presume to be a 'Race select' menu as though I'm starting a new game. It displays a screen showcasing the Cravers - a brief history on the right, a planet description, unique phenomena, and FIDS ont he left. But there's no button or option to proceed to the next screen.

This is an "example view" of the scan view we have implemented in the game, not the population select. Please post your system specs as advised so we can look into possible causes for your issue.

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