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"Next Turn" doesn't come

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 7:15:35 AM

I'm not sure if this is a technical issue or a bug so I'm just going to put this here.

My computer isn't awesome to begin with, so I normally start the game at the second-lowest graphic setting. However, during the first few turns, everything seems fine. As the game progresses, the time between clicking "End Turn" and for the next turn to actually arrive gets longer and longer. In fact, I once left the game to load the next turn to pick up my father at a local train station (which took about 20 mins). When I returned, the game was still loading the next turn. During these long spells, I usually close the game and open it again. For a few turns, the game runs fine but it inevitably comes back to that long wait.

Any ideas how I can fix this/improve the game's performance? Also, I'm not really all that tech savvy so if I need to post any computer specs or somesuch, kindly let me know how to gather that info. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read my issue!

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