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Savegame workaround and more...

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8 years ago
Dec 8, 2016, 2:21:23 AM

Just curious if this works for others as it works for me in update 0.19, trying to find different ways to fix my inability to load a savegame (stuck on loading screen at 60%)

1) Start a new game (don't need to lose your old save)

2) Save a new save (quicksave or manual)

3) Quit to main menu

4) Load the new save (should work)

5) Quit to main menu

6) Load the old save (should bypass the glitches)

Dont know how and whats the logic behind it but it works for me, and it seems quitting to desktop messes up everything again - so to exit the game just quit to main menu and then exit game. Next session the saves should load.

It could very well be a menu bug.

You might notice some more glitches though even though the saves work again, the upgrades that you spent don't show up when you load the game (with any race). The upgrades are there checking the stats but for example your ships will still show that it isn't upgraded when it is. It makes it a little hard to keep track but at least it's playable.

As for the infinite turn bug, it gets stuck on pending but from what I've found it does load. I noticed the AI fleets keep merging/unmerging their fleets taking FOREVER to make up their mind, however only from time to time it glitches up. 2 ways I found to get past the glitches if it is stuck - 1) save the game, no need to reload 2) zoom out as far as possible , doesn't always work though.

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8 years ago
Dec 8, 2016, 4:23:32 AM

You might be onto something- unfortunately it didn't work for me.

Though it did get passed "connecting server" and initiated the next phase "Launching game".

About that zooming- in my playthrough as UE I often played out zoomed out- not sure whether it helped but as UE i finished my game at around 120ish turn.

Very interesting!

Updated 8 years ago.
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