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No more sound

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 1:34:11 AM

Hi everyone,

This is my first experience in an Alpha game setting and my second 4X game that I played. I am still quite new to this and wanted to report the following;

(sorry if I am not using the right terms, I just misplaced your reporting error guide)

Current bug problem

- currently playing Voddyonoi

- on turn 84

- when I end turn I get the endless turn bug (not sure what lead to this)

- re-loaded game and sound is now gone from main menu screen and when you are playing in game

Attempts to problem solve

- restarted game 5 times

- every time I have no sound

-I can complete my actions in turn 84

- hit end turn and I get the endless turn bug

- in my five attempts I have tried mny different actions to conclude turn 84, I.E: move ships to a different system etc..

- always the same outcome, endless turn bug and now no sound

I have tried to delete the whole game and re-install however I still get the same, no sound bug, and I cannot seem to be able to delete any of my saved games...(I'm sure this is just user error)

1) I am not sure if the no sound issue is a known issue

2) if anyone has a suggestion on how I can get sound back that would be great

3) anyway I can fix my endless turn bug conundrum would be cool, I was having a really good game with the Vodyanoi :-)

P.S: AWESOME GAME SO FAR, CAN'T WAIT FOR THE END PRODUCT!!! Thank you everyone for all your efforts! 

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 1:58:03 AM

Have you checked under "Options" -> "Audio" -> "Enable Master"? I noticed that when I sometimes force the game to close improperly (e.g. with Task Manager), the sound option is turned off automatically. 

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 2:26:01 AM

Can you post yoru DXDiag, output_log.txt and Diagnostics

Also do you have any audio enhancement tools like Sonic Studio, Sound Blaster, Nhamimic installed?

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 9:46:14 AM

Hi SirBagel and Satoru,

SirBagel, thank you for the suggestion, I will check it out as I have on several occasions closed down ES2 via task manager..


Thank you for the suggestion however I have no idea how to go about posting what you are asking for..  and no I do not have any audio enhancement

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 11:10:43 AM

SirBagel, your first suggestion worked! Thank you!.. Now if I can only stop it from crashing ;-)

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