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Cinematics are not played properly + minor sound issue

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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 8:58:05 PM
satoru wrote:

The cinematics are just bnk movie files. You can load them into any semi-competent movie player (aka not windows media player).

if they look weird do you have any 'custom' codecs installed or such?

I generally use the Media Player Classic that comes with K-Lite Codec Pack.

MPC-HC plays the video files perfectly fine with sound.

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8 years ago
Feb 28, 2017, 10:19:34 PM

I have verrrry low volume during cinematic as well(amplitude screen sounds fine.)

sounds like you guys already on it, nice;)

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8 years ago
Feb 27, 2017, 2:45:51 PM

Thank you for your help, we'll look into it.

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8 years ago
Feb 24, 2017, 4:56:11 PM
Eric wrote:

Thank you.

Now considering the movie stuterring within the game, did it still happen when you replaced a faction's movie with the AMPLITUDE Studios' logo?

No problem. 

When replaced, faction's movies are playing ok, and the sound is flawless.

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8 years ago
Feb 24, 2017, 4:29:57 PM

Thank you.

I found an issue regarding volume not being set properly during playback within the game (faction intro), I'll make sure to fix that asap.

Now considering the movie stuterring within the game, did it still happen when you replaced a faction's movie with the AMPLITUDE Studios' logo?

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8 years ago
Feb 24, 2017, 3:32:33 PM
Eric wrote:


Could you make a test for us please?

- Go over your movies folder (right-click on game in Steam library and select 'Properties', then over the 'Local Files' tab, do 'Browse local files...' then finaly open the folder './EndlessSpace2_Data/StreamingAssets/Movies'),

- Rename 'AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4' into 'AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4.old' for instance,

- Then copy any factions movie from the 'Factions' folder and rename it as 'AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4'. For instance copy 'Factions/Cravers_Intro.mp4' into 'AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4'.

... then launch the game and tell us if both frame rate & sound issues are still there?

I did that, and "faction movie" played great in place of "Amplitude studios". I also putted "AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4" in place of "faction movie" and it played without sound...

Another test would be to go in the video options of the game, and remove vsync, and try different target frame rates (from 20 to 200).

In my case, changing vsyns settings completely doesn't matter. 

edit: Xonar Studio is also "neutral"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 22, 2017, 8:22:43 PM
Luke2100 wrote:

I have exact same issue with my system (Win7 64bit, Xonar DX) - cinematics are "choppy" and without sound. But movies in Endless Legend play without any problems.

Can you disable any audio enhancement tools. Xonar generally comes Xonar Studio. Try exiting that program or uninstalling it entirely and see if that helps.

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8 years ago
Feb 22, 2017, 3:02:30 PM


Could you make a test for us please?

- Go over your movies folder (right-click on game in Steam library and select 'Properties', then over the 'Local Files' tab, do 'Browse local files...' then finaly open the folder './EndlessSpace2_Data/StreamingAssets/Movies'),

- Rename 'AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4' into 'AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4.old' for instance,

- Then copy any factions movie from the 'Factions' folder and rename it as 'AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4'. For instance copy 'Factions/Cravers_Intro.mp4' into 'AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4'.

... then launch the game and tell us if both frame rate & sound issues are still there?

Another test would be to go in the video options of the game, and remove vsync, and try different target frame rates (from 20 to 200).

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8 years ago
Feb 22, 2017, 2:43:07 PM

Curious if you encounter the same issue with the Amplitude & SEGA logos at the start of the game, or only ingame? Tweaking graphics options apparently smoothes the cutscenes a bit, but are still a bit choppy at times.

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8 years ago
Feb 17, 2017, 4:50:01 PM

I have exact same issue with my system (Win7 64bit, Xonar DX) - cinematics are "choppy" and without sound. But movies in Endless Legend play without any problems.

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8 years ago
Jan 16, 2017, 2:32:36 PM

Meaning the intro cinematics.

Playing the game on Windows 7. Really good performance overall, however I am experiencing strange issues with sounds and cinematics.

Music stutters and sometimes stops when I zoom in and out on the galaxy map.

Intro Cinematics for factions are not played smoothly and there is no sound/music in them.

I have a DGX Xonar ASUS sound card, if that matters.

Any other technical detail can be provided if necessary. Any ideas?

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8 years ago
Jan 24, 2017, 6:02:43 PM
satoru wrote:

The cinematics are just bnk movie files. You can load them into any semi-competent movie player (aka not windows media player).

if they look weird do you have any 'custom' codecs installed or such?

I've no custom codecs installed. Also I can play the movies with the windows media player fluently if I directly open the file. The problem just occurs ingame.

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8 years ago
Jan 24, 2017, 2:44:50 PM

The cinematics are just bnk movie files. You can load them into any semi-competent movie player (aka not windows media player).

if they look weird do you have any 'custom' codecs installed or such?

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8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 7:54:48 PM

UPD: downloaded Update 2, great update, fixed the battle issues I think, but cinematics are still not played with sound and stutter a bit.

How exactly are cinematics played in the game?

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8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 7:06:41 PM

I have the same issue but sound works fine. Cinematics stutter and sometimes get pixelated for a second. Also the background in the Tech menue sometimes stutters and creates black blocks. Pls help!

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8 years ago
Jan 22, 2017, 10:01:29 PM
satoru wrote:
Fr0nt1er wrote:
satoru wrote:

Try disabling any Audio Enhancement tools. I believe your card comes with Asus Strix

I don't have any sound enhancement tools enabled in the card settings (I believe), and on Windows 7 you don't have system control over those - only in the sound card utility software.

The default install fro those cards always installs something liek Asus Strix or Sonic Studio or such are you sure you don't have something liek that

Otherwise post a diagnostiscs, output_log and a dxdiag

Sorry! I was out of the loop for a number of days.

The following files are after I played my current Vodyani campaign for like less than a turn. It contains an issue where my battle cinematic won't play out properly (it starts normally but then kinda crashes and shows the galactic map so I can only press "Quit Battle".




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8 years ago
Jan 17, 2017, 3:29:09 AM
Fr0nt1er wrote:
satoru wrote:

Try disabling any Audio Enhancement tools. I believe your card comes with Asus Strix

I don't have any sound enhancement tools enabled in the card settings (I believe), and on Windows 7 you don't have system control over those - only in the sound card utility software.

The default install fro those cards always installs something liek Asus Strix or Sonic Studio or such are you sure you don't have something liek that

Otherwise post a diagnostiscs, output_log and a dxdiag

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 16, 2017, 7:19:24 PM
satoru wrote:

Try disabling any Audio Enhancement tools. I believe your card comes with Asus Strix

I don't have any sound enhancement tools enabled in the card settings (I believe), and on Windows 7 you don't have system control over those - only in the sound card utility software.

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8 years ago
Jan 16, 2017, 3:11:59 PM

Try disabling any Audio Enhancement tools. I believe your card comes with Asus Strix

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