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UHD "Planetary specialization" / "Colonize" icons unreachable for big planets

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8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 1:29:56 PM


I've tried to enjoy ES2 in 3840 pixels × 2160 resolution, but there are some issues:

The major one is that in a colonized system view sometimes "colonize" and "planetary specialization" icons are placed above corresponding planets and probably due to wrong z-index checks mouse over and mouse clicks are processed as for planet (not for these icons), so for some planet sizes I can't pick specialization or even colonize another planet. The problem can be worked around by switching to smaller resolution (1920x1080 is fine)

The minor is that icons way too small to feel comfortable in 3840 pixels × 2160 resolution. It would be nice to have them bigger or at least some UI scale setting in game menu. Again, in 1920x1080 size is fine, but I want to play in UHD. :)

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