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Main menu not laoding on Surface 4 Pro

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8 years ago
Jan 29, 2017, 5:39:49 PM


If you load the game in fullscreen mode on a Microsoft Surface 4 Pro the menu only loads the background image and the sound. It doesn't display the version number, the news feed at the bottom or the choices on the left side of the menu. Practically you can't start the game or choose to change any settings. It also doesn't seem like you could use them by navigating with the arrow keys or touching/clicking in the area where the buttons should be displayed. This might be related to the devices special resolution, but I can't test it on my desktop PC as it doesn't support such a high resolution or the special aspect ratio.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Start game on a Surface Pro 4

2. Wait for the game to finish loading (you can see the loading bar at the bottom of the screen)



Expected Behavior

The main menu should load properly



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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 3:50:52 PM
As per the system requirements the game does not support Intel graphics cards
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8 years ago
Feb 6, 2017, 4:22:15 PM

YMMV with Intel HD chipsets, as most of them aren't capable of running the game. However, it *might* help to update your chipset's drivers to the latest released version. Check your manufacturer's website.

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7 years ago
May 24, 2017, 4:21:58 AM

Intel 5000 here, Surface Pro 3. Not working even with latest driver. I tried everything. Playing this on a tablet would be extremely cool!

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