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Unable to load saved games + 2 more

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7 years ago
Mar 27, 2017, 2:18:22 PM

Does this post belong in bug reports or here? I'm sooooo confused!

1) As the title says since the latest update I am unable to load saved games. These are new games started after the latest update. The game makes it as far as

Connecting to server
Launching game

at which point nothing else happens, the game just sits there.
I have included 2 examples:

turn 146 - start.zip
game 6.zip

Of course the files for the following bugs will only be useful if you can open them.
2) I am seeing 1 star system listed twice on the "Star System Management" screen, Kolchab. In addition the star system "Grus" which I own is not listed:

Kolchab twice.zip

3) This bug is not new to the recent update. It is common to see 2 different construction times. One number under "Star System Management" and a different number on the "Construction Complete" screen. Please look at the "Infinite Supermarkets" in these 2 locations in the following save file:

Construction Times.zip

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2017, 3:40:27 PM

just got the same error 1). it affects all my autosaves :(

i have to go back 18 turns to a savegame that will load -.-

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7 years ago
Mar 29, 2017, 10:44:51 AM

Hi there,

So we have analysed the saved game (turn 146) and it is indeed corrupted. It seems the game tries to reload a colonized star system which does not exist in the player empire. The problem is that it is too late to find the source of the issue when the game is saved, the problem is happening before and corrupts the list of star system.

Can you tell us if you had special circumstances, like you lost an outpost the same turn it became a colonized star system? 


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7 years ago
Mar 29, 2017, 3:45:22 PM


I don't think anything unusual happened, but to be honest I don't remember the exact circumstances.

In the case of the other save file, it is an auto-save and I still have the other 5 auto-saves if they would help. I tried loading a few of them and they all had the same problem. Please let me know if you would like me to upload the other auto-saves.

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