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Heros' portraits do not render

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7 years ago
Mar 2, 2018, 4:19:40 AM

Issue is resolved. Minimum system requirements have increased, but that's another thread.

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7 years ago
Mar 1, 2018, 7:16:30 PM

Let me check.

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7 years ago
Feb 28, 2018, 4:26:13 PM

The issues are resolved, sorry for the late response and thank you.

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7 years ago
Sep 14, 2017, 4:23:11 PM

Thanks, portraits are sound.

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7 years ago
May 18, 2017, 9:36:43 AM

I experience the exact same problem, it works fine with the horatio patch, riftborn patch cause the same ui problem as decribed by Waltari, I have an HD 6950.

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7 years ago
May 10, 2017, 8:45:32 PM

Ok since this bug is gamebreaking annoying i played around with some stuff. Changing the AMD drivers / switching around options didn´t do anything for me.

So i downgraded the game on steam to the Horatio patch (version 0.2.5). In that version everything worked fine. After updating to the latest version the bugs appeared again. So it definitly is an issue with a change in the current version and not the AMD drivers. I made screenshots so you can compare the differences on different screens. I find more and more things that are bugged (always Horatio patch on top, Riftborn beneath):

1. Racechoice screen 

2. Hero Management window

3. Empire screen (not only the missing picture, also look at the bugged hexagons surrounding the Victory and Performance info numbers)

4. Senate screen (Again not only the party pictures, but like in the empire screen bugged lines in the Population Census)

I hope this info helps to find the root of this bug and to fix it. I know we are close to release and i can only imagine the stressful times you guys go through. Good luck and cheers!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 9, 2017, 9:55:01 AM
Waltari wrote:

Oh i wish i stumbled across this earlier. It sounds exaclty like the bug i recently reported (screenshots included):


In case a dev reads this i want to highlight from the other thread, that i recently changed from a HD5800 to a HD6900 (including a clean new windows 10 installation) and only got the bug since then. I´m not too familiar with grafics card specifics, but maybe a feature from the newer card causes this bug.

*EDIT: However it is possible that the bug appeared with the 0.3 update, since the grafics card change took place around that time.

The bug indeed appeared after 0.3 update.

I had no issues before.

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7 years ago
May 9, 2017, 9:00:56 AM

Oh i wish i stumbled across this earlier. It sounds exaclty like the bug i recently reported (screenshots included):


In case a dev reads this i want to highlight from the other thread, that i recently changed from a HD5800 to a HD6900 (including a clean new windows 10 installation) and only got the bug since then. I´m not too familiar with grafics card specifics, but maybe a feature from the newer card causes this bug.

*EDIT: However it is possible that the bug appeared with the 0.3 update, since the grafics card change took place around that time.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 8, 2017, 5:37:42 PM

Ok, I tried almost everything suggested here and in the general troubleshooting (reinstalled directx, dot.net 4.5.1, tried different video drivers, clean reinstall of the game, verified game cache), nothing worked so far.

As of now, the game is unplayable mainly due to overlapped windows which are transparent and text is almost unreadable (some art is also missing like hero portraits, banners here and there and in some popups - diplomacy mainly, tehcs seems to work just fine).

Hope devs can help.


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7 years ago
May 5, 2017, 8:26:18 AM

Same here.

Before 0.3.5 patch everything worked fine, after it game was crashing at launch, after 0.3.7 issue with no hero portraits, transparent frames. Any help?


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7 years ago
May 5, 2017, 6:38:54 AM

Same issue here.

Radeon HD6970.

Also, if I verify the game cache, steam downloads a 2k file every time.

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7 years ago
Apr 2, 2017, 7:06:14 PM

Heros' animated portraits do not render, the space inside frames is transparent. Riftborn names do not show up beside single lowercase letter. Name of another race character shows up nominally. Specs: Windows 10, Radeon R5 m240, driver version 17.2.1.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 19, 2017, 7:04:58 PM

I've updated drivers to 17.4.2 and my game doesn't run post loading "octoshipyard" screen. Thus, i've temporarily bailed out from the ticket.

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7 years ago
Apr 15, 2017, 4:44:01 PM
I'd go with a full clean uninstall then reinstall of the latest Nvidia drivers
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7 years ago
Apr 15, 2017, 1:09:49 PM
satoru wrote:
Omicron52 wrote:

Just tried it, nothing changed :/

Does your laptop have an Nvidia/AMD card? It doesn't look like it does?

I have a GEForce GT 740 M graphics card and that's the dedicated game one

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7 years ago
Apr 15, 2017, 1:34:19 AM
Omicron52 wrote:

Just tried it, nothing changed :/

Does your laptop have an Nvidia/AMD card? It doesn't look like it does?

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7 years ago
Apr 12, 2017, 8:51:49 PM

Heroes menu DxDiag.txt The game is set to render with dedicated GC. Integrated chipset also fails.

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7 years ago
Apr 11, 2017, 8:36:23 AM

Does your laptop have a dedicated graphics card? The DXDiag is only picking up the integrated chipset. You'll need to make sure your laptop runs the game using the dedicated card:


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7 years ago
Apr 11, 2017, 7:29:48 AM

I'm having the same trouble


It also happens with the windows for submenus like the detailed galaxy generation options.

Fully updated and I verified twice before uploading this :)

Hope it helps!

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7 years ago
Apr 10, 2017, 2:00:19 PM

Would you have a screenshot of the issue along with a DXDiag of your machine?

Is your game fully updated & have you verified game files?

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7 years ago
Apr 8, 2017, 11:23:38 AM

Just a letter

Their ship names are math termina.

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7 years ago
Apr 7, 2017, 11:33:53 AM

I believe the Riftborn hero names are just a letter (though I might be wrong) but I do have the same problem with portraits and art not rendering

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