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Saved games question

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7 years ago
Apr 6, 2017, 7:05:36 PM

I am guessing you (the developers) are already aware there is a problem loading saved games since I know I have reported it and I saw other threads on this topic.

I can't keep the game running all the time so this bug makes playing feel kind of pointless since I can never complete a game. Because of this I have stopped playing and thus I have also stopped reporting bugs.

I don't know if other players feel the same way. But.. if they do perhaps you could release some sort of mini-fix before your next scheduled update? Please :-).


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7 years ago
Apr 11, 2017, 1:49:02 PM

Your case and many others seem to have different issues, and while yours seems to be pretty much an outlier (I haven't seen it elsewhere, granted I may have missed it), others are undoubtedly a lot easier to address and fix.

Rest assured, however, that we're doing all we can to correct as many bugs as we can before release.

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