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ES2 V0.3.4 S2 Alpha Public - AMD Radeon R9 390, Flimmering menu without entries

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7 years ago
Apr 11, 2017, 2:07:50 PM

Hi Devs,

I've encountered a rather peculiar problem after either the version update from VIP update3_0.2.19 (the last version that worked for me) or an update to a new AMD beta graphics driver (Mass Effect Andromeda required that...)

I cannot distinguish which of either updates broke the game for me, but the result is that the menu screen flickers with something akin to pink northern lights and none of the menu entries show up. There is no error message. I tried to screenshot it, you can see such an artifact in the upper right corner:


I've also attached my DxDiag.txt for specifying my setup and drivers.

Thanks for helping me in advance!


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7 years ago
Apr 11, 2017, 2:51:46 PM

Hi Nosferatiel, seems like 17.4.1 driver is breaking Endless Space 2, try revert back to 17.2.1 to fix this issue.

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