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Saves don't work on 100+ move

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7 years ago
Apr 16, 2017, 7:31:22 AM

I have the same problem as many players here aswell. The saves stoped loading after 100+ moves.

The game installed** in a proper  folder (E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2), no specific symbols etc. Both game and documents folders have all rights. 

@Temporary Files: Diagnostics - 2017'04'16 @1013'15''.html

@Save Files: Sophons sandbox.zip

DxDiag: DxDiag.txt*

*In short: 

  • Win 7 (SP1), nVidia drivers 381.65
  • i5-2500k
  • GTX 780
  • 16gb DDR3 

**The game was installed on 6th of April.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 16, 2017, 10:06:32 AM
tsunami125 wrote:

hey! I had the same issue, I reached turn 117 and the game just crashes, let me know if you find a solution!

Ok, np

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7 years ago
Apr 23, 2017, 3:15:18 PM

Yup. Game won't load for me. I am at turn 130. I try to load my game and it gets stuck in the loading screen.. and I have tried going back to the last auto save.

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7 years ago
Apr 24, 2017, 10:05:25 PM
I've had this happen several times as well. It was with various factions, so it isn't faction specific. It has always occurred after turn 100, though whether that is just random chance or not is unclear.
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7 years ago
Apr 24, 2017, 10:46:32 PM

I've found that the issue occurs mainly with many AI players and long turn counts. By reducing the AI players to 2 the game appears to stay stable but that isn't much fun to have few AI opponents. It would be nice if the game was made stable before release and on the largest settings. Another problem is the save games get silently corrupted/bugged and because the game never throws an error you end up with a set of corrupt autosaves and any manual saves after the corruption also don't work. The devs said they are looking into it so hopefully it is fixed before launch as I hate games that release with such game breaking bugs.

This issue and the forever pending turns are critical problems.

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7 years ago
Sep 2, 2017, 5:49:30 PM

Has no one found a fix for this?  This is the fourth game I have had to stop playing because of this BS.  I've followed the other threads with similiar problems but those are not fixes for this.  If anyone has found a way to fix this specific issue please share. :)


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7 years ago
Sep 3, 2017, 4:55:00 PM

ok so make that my 5th game.  I'm done with this game.  I have tried everything to fix it.. updating hardware, software (even though I know that was not the issue), and even a OS wipe.. it's a bug with the game and not my tech. I'm at a loss and I do not know what to do.

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7 years ago
Sep 3, 2017, 5:39:19 PM

Most cases of this bug have been fixed. (this is the first report of this bug for quite a while)

So your case most likely has a different cause behind it.

So to have it be fixed the Devs will need you to upload; (I would suggest making a new thread in the bug report forum to do this)

Your Save file(s) in "\Documents\Endless Space 2\Save Files" before it occurs (a working one) and after (the non-working one) would be helpful.

Your Diagnostic file(s) in "\Documents\Endless Space 2\Temporary Files" Using the naming scheme "Diagnostics - Date @ Time.html" with time & date being when the game launched 

Upload the files from the game(s) where this occurred.

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