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Desync Report Banner Not Clearing

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7 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 5:27:01 AM


I apologize if this is a repeat, but I could not find a way to search the forum. ??

I have been starting games in Public but have not had the pleasure of actually playing with anyone until today when a couple players joined.  The first joined with no problems (although the timer settings reset somehow).  On the second person entering the game and possibly leaving, there was a Desync, and I sent a report and restarted the game. Game play resumed without that second player.  The next time someone entered, the same thing happened, so I returned to the lobby, and restarted again.  This time I reset the timer settings.  Game play resumed, and the original player joined again, although the new player did not.  I do not know if the other player experienced this, but because he was still online, I kept playing anyway, until he quit for unknown reasons.

After the second Desync Report and restart of the game, I return to find the "Generating Desync Report" banner still displayed.  See attached screen shot.

So, since I was alone again, I closed and reloaded the game after saving it.  The banner was still there (actually that screen shot was from after I reloaded the game).  Turns out, I had to exit to desktop completely and then reload game to clear the disruptive banner.  I did not think to start a new game using the same buggy run, so I do not know if it would have persisted in another game.

This is FYI and does not require any response.



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