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Desync all the time

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 4:49:45 PM

Hi guys,

I love your game so much, but there is a little problem with multyplayer: desync. Me and my friends had like 40 desync for 100 turns, and it's pretty boring. We observed that you improved the resync system, and that's really great. But after 40 desync, we felt pretty bored.

Sorry for horrible english.

How can we fix that? is there some options?

Thanks !

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 7:42:29 PM

Have you tried ignoring it? Me and my friends played for about a 100 turns and we noticed no major difference. 

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7 years ago
Apr 30, 2017, 9:30:44 AM

Well no we haven't... but honestly, is there is no problem to play desynchronized, why the game mention it then?

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7 years ago
Apr 30, 2017, 9:34:21 AM

So here's the deal. When the game starts to desync, all the games on each players are not lining up correctly. This mean that after some amount of time, ships may be in wrong positions, battles may play out differently, and more. Basically, it will cause players to have a different match from each. But the thing is, desync is a bit wonky. It may show that it's in desync but nothing wrong seems to happen. This can even last a very long time (like 100 turns) but it'll still appear that nothing will happen. It's a bit random and really wonky. 

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7 years ago
May 1, 2017, 10:35:40 AM

The fact that the game itself remember me it's desync each turn is pretty boring too. Anyway, i hope this desync problem will be fixed in the final version :/ 

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7 years ago
May 2, 2017, 2:50:39 PM

In My Documents>Endless Space 2>Dump Files, you'll have a DesyncReport folder for each desync you have. Inside is a .dump file that we'll ask you to upload, using the little "Upload file" icon (next to the camera).

We need these to be able to fix the desync issues as they crop up. Thanks!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 9, 2017, 6:19:01 PM

Hi mister Frogsquadron,

When we have a desync, the game asked me all the time if i want to send a desync report.

Are those desync reports not the same as the .dump file?

Thank you sir

EDIT: Sorry, this anwser is pretty late :/

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 11, 2017, 1:08:12 AM


I wasn't sure where the best place to put this would be, but my friend and I used to have the desync issue happen quite frequently as well.  However, after having my friend disable his antivirus program, the desyncs have stopped altogether.  He uses Comodo Antivirus, which is apparently known for causing issues with networked games.  If you or your friend are using that antivirus program, you might try disabling it temporarily and seeing if your desyncs go away.

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7 years ago
May 14, 2017, 1:13:45 AM
Dump Files.rarFrogsquadron wrote:

In My Documents>Endless Space 2>Dump Files, you'll have a DesyncReport folder for each desync you have. Inside is a .dump file that we'll ask you to upload, using the little "Upload file" icon (next to the camera).

We need these to be able to fix the desync issues as they crop up. Thanks!

Here are a whole bunch of dump files. The game is quite literally desyncing every time we click end turn.
I love the game and played many hours of MP in ES 1 before this so am unsure why the new game hasn't cracked the MP issues.
Hopefully you will sort it out as a matter of some priority. It would be very bad tto release the game as it is

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7 years ago
May 15, 2017, 4:01:05 PM

I encountered alot of desync, but it never really has been any critical. ;) Altho there are other bugs in multiplayer where i would say you guys should def take a look at it, if you dont want people to think bad of this. ;) Thing is i dont know how to give you this data. Then again maybe you also already know about some of these things. Either way i wish you good luck.

Updated 7 years ago.
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