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Video problem, HALP!

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 12:55:34 PM

So, I started a game as the new race without issue... I then decided to change the options a bit to have it be a borderless window instead. (Since I have 2 monitors and want to be able to swish over easily).

However as soon as I activated the borderless window it turned into a massive size on one of the screens, making it impossible to reach the "accept button" in the options menu :(

I can't change it back! :(

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 1:30:49 PM

Delete the file in 

My Documents\Endless Space 2\Users\<numbers>\Registry.xml

That will reset your video settings and let you get back in to change them

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 6:36:33 PM
satoru wrote:

Delete the file in 

My Documents\Endless Space 2\Users\<numbers>\Registry.xml

That will reset your video settings and let you get back in to change them

You mean I should delete the Registry.Xml?

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 6:45:05 PM
Tnecniw wrote:
satoru wrote:

Delete the file in 

My Documents\Endless Space 2\Users\<numbers>\Registry.xml

That will reset your video settings and let you get back in to change them

You mean I should delete the Registry.Xml?

Yup, I think it was recommended in a blog post or patch notes that all early access players should delete their registry before playing the gold version.

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