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Can't install Mono Framework version 4.8.0

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7 years ago
May 20, 2017, 1:47:01 PM

Hi guys,

Problem: I can't install Mono Framework version 4.8.0 on MAC as installer program asks for admin privileges. I don't have admin privileges on this MAC. 

However: Several days ago, on the 15th of May I have successfully installed Endless Legend on the same MAC. It is currently running fine. It had installed Mono framework version 3.4.0 with it

Now question is, how do I install / update Mono framework to 4.8.0 without admin privileges and sudo access? Will something like brew install mono -version 4.8.0 work? Also, will 4.8.0 work fine with Endless Legend? 

Thanks and regards. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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