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Game Freezes when encountering the Sophon

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7 years ago
May 20, 2017, 9:26:36 PM

I've encountered an issue where the graphics freeze when opening the greeting message from the sophon, or opening the dipolmacy tab when they have been discovered.
The game's Audio can still be heard in the background as well as the greeting message itself, and by pressing escape I can hear a menu opening and closing but the screen will remain a static image of what I was looking at before the encounter.

This occurs without fail whenever I encounter a Sophon ship or planet at any point during a game, and ONLY occurs with the sophon faction.

I've attempted the troubleshooting in the sticky but this problem still persists, the only workaround I have is just excluding them from games.

Help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 9:12:27 AM

Hey Gwasp,

That is really odd. I would ask for a saved game, but if this is with every encounter with the Sophons, then it is pointless.

I am going to ask you for the usual dxdiag, errorlog, and diagnostics files, so I can understand what is the problem. If you run the game on an AMD card, please look into the previw 1.03 beta in Steam.

Also it could be a corrupted data issue. Have you tried to verify the game data integrity in Steam?

Thanks for your patience

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 9:31:52 PM

Thanks for your response,


The game doesn't crash, or become unresponseive so I'm not getting an error report. This log is from the latest game before it froze.


I stared by testing the 1.03 beta- I manged to successfully receive a greeting message without a freeze, but on other attempts I found that it still sometimes freezes. Likewise I found that i could sometimes access the diplomacy tab without a freeze, but clicking on it a turn later resulted in a freeze. nevertheless this version seems a bit more stable.  I checked the cache integrity and all files successfully validated.

Edit: This AMD patch seemed to have fixed all my issues! thanks

Updated 7 years ago.
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