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Evacuating system corrupts saves - Cravers

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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 10:50:48 PM

Hello there,

I was playing a game as Cravers and I noticed that my saved games could not be loaded after a certain point. Since I keep a long list of autosaves I was able to isolate exactly what leads to save game corruption. 

Basically, if I evacuate the Quadus system, all the saves after the evacuation become corrupted and cannot be loaded (the progress bar gets stuck around 60-70%). One thing that might be of interest is that the Quadus system was one of the systems I needed to capture for the Cravers quest "Chapter 2: Whispers of What You Worshipped" with the quest objective "Obtain those 2 marked Systems." The quest was completed before I evacuated the system.

I will provide the links to two save files: One right before the evacuation, and one after the evacuation (cannot be loaded). The only thing I do to transition from the first file to the second one is as follows:

1) I cancel the Infinite Supermarket improvement construction in the Quadus system.

2) I click Evacuate System in the Quadus system.

3) I end the turn.

4) I deal with a popup (choose -20 industry instead of -10 happiness or sth.)

5) I save the game.

Save game file before the evacuation: http://www71.zippyshare.com/v/I24UcSc0/file.html

Save game file after the evacuation: http://www112.zippyshare.com/v/Nf9Tqw2F/file.html

Please let me know if there is a quick fix by editing the save files that I can apply if there is one. Thanks for your time and assistance in advance.

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7 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 1:24:57 PM

Hello zolmir,

I can't get your save file, it seems the links are broken. Can you upload your file to this forum? There's a button "Upload File" on top of the response text area that should do the trick.


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7 years ago
Jun 8, 2017, 8:48:44 PM

Thank you very much for your replies. Here are the save files:

Before evacuation: Craver 8-2.zip

After evacuation: Craver 8-3.zip

How to replicate the bug:

1) I cancel the Infinite Supermarket improvement construction in the Quadus system.

2) I click Evacuate System in the Quadus system.

3) I end the turn.

4) I deal with a popup (choose -20 industry instead of -10 happiness or sth.)

5) I save the game.


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7 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 12:28:36 PM

I have the same issue. Vacating either of two recently taken from the Unfallen systems breaks saves. Any save made after that just won't load.

Turn 281: UE-281.zip (works).

Turn 282 without vacating Alioth system: UE-282-A.zip (works).

Turn 282 after vacating Alioth system: UE-282-B.zip (doesn't work).

Same happens with another system.

Before: UE-284.zip

After: UE-285.zip

Vacating one of my older systems doesn't break save.

Version 1.0.52.

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