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Endless Freeze

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7 years ago
May 22, 2017, 1:39:02 PM

Hello folks,

I apologize if this has been reported elsewhere or earlier; if it was, I must have missed it.


Endless Freezing?


Anyway, I have been suffering from a persistent issue with Endless Space 2. After starting the game - past selection main menus, factions etc. and loading the game - or loading save files, I get the game spontaneously freezing. The game screen just becomes unresponsive, and any on-screen animation freezes as well. However, the game itself is still functioning - I can hear the music, and if I tap Esc key, I can hear the sound of game menu triggering. However, no action actually occurs on screen; it's endlessly (pardon the pun) frozen.

There does not seem to be any particular rhyme or reason to this. Sometimes the game freezes right away, sometimes it runs for a dozen of minutes before tripping out. I have attempted (repeatedly) verifying my game cache as well as deleting the Registry file, to no avail. More importantly, I did not use to have this problem in Early Access until Riftborn patch, and even then it happened so rarely I didn't even think of it. Now, it basically happens every single time I run the game. 

Game Version

1.0.1 GOLD

My System specs:

IntelCore i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz

8 GB RAM memory

Windows 8.1 64-bit

GeForce 770GTX 

DirectX 11

Diagnostics - 2017'05'22 @1405'32''.html

I've added the Diagnostic file that more-or-less aligns with the time I last played the game for extended period of time and had this issue (hope it's working). I can provide some of the save files or dumps, but as I mentioned, the issue occurs pretty much all the time, so I'm not sure what I should be looking for.

Any advice appreciated, thanks.

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7 years ago
May 24, 2017, 11:54:34 AM

Hi, i am having the same problems.

I have tried using the beta versions and lunching in andministrativ mode, compatible mode and with varius setings.

The game defenitly keps runing without the the graphics as i can use the end turn hotkey and there will be a autosave from the next turn on startup.


Intel core i7-4790 3.60Ghz

8 GB Ram memory

GeForce 760GTx

Windows 10 64bit

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7 years ago
May 24, 2017, 12:36:23 PM

hi ad same issue

check this topic 

Game freeze / crash at start up : fix / workaround

maybe it will help

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7 years ago
May 25, 2017, 11:42:29 AM

I keep having this issue after the latest patch, so I checked out the thread etsi suggested and used the workaround. Unfortunately, it didn't help.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 10:32:53 AM

Quick update: latest patch release seems to have fixed the issue so far, at least to me. Still no idea what it was, but at least it seems gone.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 11:03:12 AM

This is NOT fixed as of 1.0.52 hotfix.

It's happened to me in both my last games, between turns 90 and 120, when clicking through the pop-ups at the start of a new turn. Once during Elections, and one at the Research Complete screen.

The graphics of the game seem to have frozen, but the music continues to play and clicking on the (visually unresponsive) elements results in the appropriate response (UI sounds, end turn whoosh etc).

It's a shame, I was having so much fun.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 1:53:40 PM

Same, This happen to me constantly but just tap the windows icon, kill the process and start again loading the latest autosave. So far this has been happening totally random switching menus and almost 3 or 4 times for game played. There is no Crash that could upload neither save that we can see because It is totally random.

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7 years ago
Jun 3, 2017, 9:44:22 PM

Yeah, after a few calm days I'm afraid that the issue is back again *sigh*

Again, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. It happens on both first turn and past turn 100+, regardless of graphic settings or drivers.

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