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2 Mayor Bugs

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7 years ago
May 24, 2017, 3:01:35 PM

Hello everyone!

I have 2 quite game breaking bugs to report:

1. I was playing, encountered a minor faction, and then I agreed to assist them. The task was to eliminate a marked fleet. This fleet was owned by "Unknown empire" (none of the other AI players). I tried to battle them, the screen popped up, I picked my battle tactic, and pressed fight. Then it said "Waiting for opponent decision". Then, about 5 seconds later, the new battle sound kept playing (so rapidly that it was a very unpleasant screeching noise).  And the battle never took place, so I had to reload my save file (*). Even after reloading, whenever they encountered me, or me them, the same thing happened, so essentially I had to avoid them (which was very frustrating).

(*) This lead to the second bug:

2. When I reloaded the game, I tried to end the turn, but one AI got stuck at "In encounter" stage. I had to reload a save file. I kept reloading further turns. About 10 turns before was the ideal. I kept playing. Then I encountered the (1) bug again, and had to reload. Sadly, the save which wasn't corrupted got overwritten (I have 20 auto save slots). So I could not play that game anymore :/ My guess is that some event triggered the AI into an unresolved state (In encounter), which was either disposed at the end of the turn, or at the end of the trigger. But I guess it was just temporarily disposed, so the AI could finish the turn and allow the game to continue, however the save file kept that state, and upon reloading, it was not processed correctly.

I'm using 1.0.5 preview2 

Thanks for reading my report!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 24, 2017, 4:29:24 PM

hopefully this is fixed in 1.05 official patch (non preivew), which has been released 10 minutes ago more or less

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