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Combat doesnt start

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7 years ago
May 24, 2017, 10:05:12 PM

Hey guys!

g_g 2.zip

Here is save file. For some reason after 80+ turn im unable to end turn if there is any possible fight, since it cant progress (nothing happens if i press "fight" or "retreat", or just says "Your opponent is choosing thier strategy").

And it start (probably) after i got new hero from academy (unlocked), but no idea how this can be connected.

Help please :(

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 25, 2017, 5:28:15 AM

I am also having this same issue. I had no problems until after the game updated. The file I was playing beforehand went to turn 182 before this bug appeared. Started over fresh and I'm on turn 80 and getting the very same issue. On the 182 file I had many planets doing an infinite process. Had one of my planets on the 80 turn game doing the same, turned that off, issue remains. I only have 6 systems on the restart session vs the 18+ on the longer 182 game. Both games playing as Riftborn. Only half the research done on the 80 turn game so the only thing that I do know is the issue appeared after the recent update.

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7 years ago
May 27, 2017, 3:20:52 PM

You might want to add your report to one of the threads in the Bug Reports forum. This seems to indeed be a common issue at present and it's useful to group them together if possible.

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