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My 157 turns game won't load (stuck in loading screen)

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7 years ago
May 25, 2017, 10:17:10 PM

I am playing a game on exceptional galaxy size and now my game file won't load anymore. It used to take around 30s for the game to start, but now it won't load at all even if I let it loading for several minutes. The audio engine works fine while loading, the game seems to not have crashed and the screen keeps showing the message "Launching game" in blue. The blue bar below is at 2/3 filled. 

I don't know wheter or not my save file is corrupted, but I did trying to load autossaves from turns 156 and 155 and found the same exact problem. If there's a solution for my problem, please help me. I dispose myself to share my save file if needed.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 25, 2017, 10:46:58 PM

 I've had this problem and others with load times and stalls at similar game size/time frame. I tried changing to windows 7 compatibility, and of course in steam check game cache (after googling). Other than starting a new game, nothing seems to work. Some suggest its a memory clog with too much going on in the background e.g AI single ship movement etc.

My new fault is an AI diplomatic event constantly spamming me after making peace so I can't do anything, lol. 

 Love this game but its getting a little unplayable.    

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