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[MAC] Crash before the Main Menu

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7 years ago
May 28, 2017, 4:33:28 AM

So I probably should've written this the first time it happened when the game had just been released but I waited for the first patch to see if the problem was fixed, which it wasn't. 

So I have 90 hours logged on the game (I played Early Access since when it was in the alpha stage I think ?) and I downloaded it on my Macbook the day it came out. However, I played the entirety of the Early Access on my Windows computer. 

The problem I found was that once the Amplitude animation finished and it went to the main loading part (which is probably before the main menu), it's the one with the Academy/giant white star thing, it finishes loading on the loading bar and you can hear the music of the loading screen, and then the game crashes and shuts off. 

I've tested every solution I could find on the tech reports for game crashes or at least attempted to find the solution 

(this includes doing the rxml thing and trying to load the fixamd on the beta page, located in Game Properties, in Steam)

Anyway, I really love this game, and I had tons of fun playing it when it was in Early Access so hopefully one of you guys could help me fix this or come up with a fix in the next patch ^~^ 

My computer specs are: 


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15 inch, Early 2013) 

Processor: 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 

Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB 

NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M with 1GB of GDDR5 memory

That's not all of it but if you need me to add anything else to help you then I'd be glad to do it, Thank you again ! 

 (I tried posting on tech support but it wouldn't add the message so yeah) 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 8:35:25 AM

So tonight I unistalled Endless Space 2, restarted my computer and redownloaded it, and then tried to start it up again...With SUCCESS ! Kind've. I made it past the initial loading screen and ended up at what I semi-recognized to be the main menu. Only it was all pixelated and the Vodyani Ark looked like it should've been moving but it wasn't. 

I clicked the space bar twice hoping that the pixelation where the letters should've been would go away but after the second time the game crashed again and I haven't been able to get to the main menu again 

(I'll try and get a screenshot to post here if I'm able to get to the main menu again) 

I understand that you guys are super busy working on the game and helping out as many people as possible but it'd be awesome if one of the DEV's or members at Amplitude could help me out here 

Thank You for the game tho ! It looks awesome, can't wait to play 

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 3:40:14 PM

Hello :)

To help you as best as we can, we'd need you to read this pinned Guide and provide us with the required files so we can look into your issue!

In short, we'd need your Diagnostics, output logs and ASP reports in a text format (if you don't know how to get these, the Guide contains all the info you need)

Thank you for your report :)

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