Summary / Title

Loss of all manpower during invasion regardless deployment limit


I believe I have a few bugs related to deployment limit. There is an enemy system but in my sphere of influence and I am invading them with 5 ships: 3 with 300 manpower, 2 with 100, so total is 1100.

1. When I invade planet I lost all my 1100 manpower from ships but I deployed only 700. I believe it is a bug.

2. After battle 80% of my troops survived and I chose Continue. In the next turn, as invaded planet was under my influence, manpower of my fleet automatically restored to 1100 and again I lost all of it to refill those missing 20% of my invading troops.

Steps to Reproduce

As in description



Expected Behavior

1. I lose only 700 manpower from ships.

2. I think ships involved ininvasion but in my sphere of inluence should not have manpower refreshing. Moreover additional manpower which was on other ships should reinforce invasion in following turns.


V1.0.5 S5 GOLD-Public


 I didn't know why I had limit of 700 manpower for invasion and I have found out  that you added such limit in 1.0 version. That's fine but it should be  stated somewhere on military status screen.


PS2. Sorry, I have just noticed I post it on wrong forum. It should be in Bug report