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7 years ago
Jun 10, 2017, 5:42:42 PM

What causes those massive FPS drops ?!

Here's my monitoring:

CPU/GPU Graphs legend (2s tick):

- red lines are temperatures

- green lines are loads

- plain green is mem usage

- yellow line is FPS (graph is capped at 90 but using 60 cap for Endless 2)

As you can see there's neither CPU nor GPU bottleneck, there's no SSD/HDD load at all and there's no mem leak.

However framerate is chaotic as hell while I do nothing special on Endless Space 2 except I'm at round 170 and it's becoming worse and worser every turn since 150.

It's such a disappointment, game experience is ruined. Same aftertaste than Stellaris, smells like horrible engine which will never be fixed.

Addendum: I forgot to mention that FPS drops occurs all the time, not only when I click "End of turn"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 4:53:45 AM

Not sure what your running but I've completed quite a few games on endless with 12 players in huge galaxies, even exceptional galaxy's on slow.  Looks like you've got a driver issue.  I am sure you have top rate hardware judgeing by this post, but the devolopers designed a wonderful engine compared to stellaris.  To give you a example, I run 4k single GPU (granted 1080gtx) with 64GB ddr4 and two 512 m.2 drives, or sticks of gum as I like to call them.  But your performance seems to be the exception, what kind of hardware you running?  Mine is a skylake 6700k on  asrock z170 oc board (needed the three m.2 drive slots)  Granted on the bigger games I've played late game the turns do take longer, but never longer than a few seconds for the galaxy to move and the AI to do its thing.  This from your graphs is a optimazation issue, if I linked mine you'd see full utilization on a higher end game, frams locked at 60fps with 4xAA ultra quality on 4k.  I am going to guess and assume this is a AMD machine?  I would grab the latest drivers, see if you can lock your fans in at around 60-80% utilization to keep a consistent temp going, if your temp spikes everything scales then will spike again and cause all kinds of stop and go frame wierdness.  Anything OC'ed?  I really am trying to help here not much to go off of, just hate to see somebody turned away for something that is probably simple.

Cheers, Vorsprung 

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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 3:35:29 PM

6700K@4.7 - Z170 Sabertooth - RipJaws 16Go@3200 - SLI GTX980ti OC - SM951 512GB

WC custom loop, W10x64 with latest drivers of course...

My hardware is not the problem and there's obviously no temperature issue (coolant stay under 10°C ambiant delta).

Those spikes you see are normal, CPU/GPU loads aren't linear.

About the game: 8 empires normal speed normal difficulty normal minor factions spiral 8 galaxy exceptionnal constellations highest density highest.

Should mention that even with those settings, galaxy is pretty small and poor...

Disabling g-sync/v-sync/SLI and setting max perf in NVCP don't resolve.

Lowest graphic settings don't resolve.

Also just for fun I tried the Win7 compability bit (no change, of course) and those completely stupid advices to set admin bit and antivirus exclusion (no change either).

Anyway CPU/GPU/Storage/Memory/even network arent used at more than 50% but the game has more and more fps drops/freezes/stutter/call it whatever you want each turn after turn.

At turn 100 it was smooth as butter, now I passed the turn 200 it's horrible.

Loads of ghost clicks, clicking the end turn button has sometimes no effect, I even have to apply multiple time for a manual save to actually save.

Note if I load a new game, everything is back to smooth.

If it was a problem with my computer (hard or soft), drops would occur either at turn 1 or turn 200.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 7:28:25 PM

Turn 220+ it has become a bloody pain in the @$$ to play. something like 10s freeze stuttering every 10s.

Cherry on the cake: now I'm being loop spammed every 20-30s by the same useless diplomatic message...

edit: translation fix

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 8:21:48 PM

Opt into the beta patch, works wonders, its steam, DLC, and beta's, there is a optional for the preview build that fixed many performance issues.

its 1.011 or something along those lines, your system is almost identical to mine not sure why your having issues.  I understand that the loads are not linear but it should not be that slow on that galaxy at all.

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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 8:23:26 PM

If you have the game on steam, right click on ES2, then click view downloadable content, there is a beta tab, that fixed many performance issues for the game.  I've been on that patch since yesterday and it should have been the patch the game went gold on.  Hope this helps.

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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 9:39:04 PM

Ok, playing for one hour now. Game is now as smooth as turn 150 without beta patch.

UI still has slowdown so that I had to disable many popups not to randomly accept/refuse anything. End of turn button works 80% times.

Playable but nothing compare to a new game.

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