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ES2 Won't Open

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7 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 10:07:40 PM

So I bought Endless Space 2 a few weeks ago and finally got around to playing it. I went to open the game but after the Sega and Amplitude logos hit ES2 wouldn't load past like 25%. I verified the game but it didn't change anything. Anyone else have problems like this?

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7 years ago
Jun 16, 2017, 12:44:01 AM

Try deleting your Endless Space 2 folder in your documents. It might be a bad resgistry.xml or other setting. 

This will also delete all your save games.

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7 years ago
Jun 16, 2017, 4:34:32 PM

Can you please upload the following files




You can use the "upload file" option on the forums, its the paper with teh folded corner

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