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[PC] Game crashes loading save gave

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7 years ago
Jun 24, 2017, 9:06:09 PM


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7 years ago
Jun 26, 2017, 8:20:59 AM
Alfredough wrote:

Game is crashing every time I try to load my save game at turn 169. Tried updating to the 1.0.20 preview but the problem persists.


Hey Alfredough,

Can you post your saved game on this thread? 


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7 years ago
Jun 27, 2017, 2:50:12 AM

It seems to be the same issue I am having.

I uploaded my save: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forums/73-tech-support/threads/27206-save-files-won-t-load-stuck-on-launching-game?page=1

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7 years ago
Jun 30, 2017, 12:49:34 PM


We have solved some simple load/save issues, but the biggest issue (crash on loading  the saved game) was very vicious. One of our senior programmers, with  the help of Unity, thinks he has found the cause of the crash. We are  working on a fix, but we will probably need a few extra days of testing  before we deliver a preview.

Thanks for your patience!

We will keep you updated. 

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7 years ago
Jul 2, 2017, 5:05:33 PM

The Steam forums linked me to this thread for posting save games that aren't loading, so here I am.

I think my issue is slightly different though, in that I've noticed since last night that I'm not able to load the most recent saves in my most recent game. However, clicking to load these saves doesn't crash the game to desktop, but rather freezes on the load screen, even while the menu music plays. It says "Game launched", but the progress bar just stays still and nothing happens.

I do seem to be able to load other games' saves though, and I only noticed this problem once I'd won my most recent game with a Score Victory then tried to load the final autosave.

Here are the saves that won't load:
Horatio 2a.zip

AutoSave 1865.zip

AutoSave 1864.zip

AutoSave 1863.zip

AutoSave 1862.zip

AutoSave 1861.zip

And here is the save I made at the very start of this game, which I am still able to load:

Horatio 2 (Start).zip

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7 years ago
Jul 4, 2017, 5:43:01 PM

I have many, many save games that won't load directly, but will load if I first load the oldest save game I still have from that particular game, and then load the "corrupted" saves.

Also, from time to time, as I create more and more save games, I'll try and driectly load one and it will sometimes crash, or a new save game may sometimes directly load without crashing. So whatever is causing this seems to "fix itself" from time to time, and then "corrupt itself" again as I go along in a game.

In any case, for me it's manageable, because as long as I start by loading an old save first, then all my saves will successfully load after that.

Here is my most recent save game that will not load directly, and the game will CTD if I try to do so:


And here is my oldest save game (that I still have) that I load first, and then I can successfully load one of my currupted save games, such as the one I just posted above:

Battle at Ingris.zip

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 1:56:13 PM
Fuzzball_7 wrote:

The Steam forums linked me to this thread for posting save games that aren't loading, so here I am.

I think my issue is slightly different though, in that I've noticed since last night that I'm not able to load the most recent saves in my most recent game. However, clicking to load these saves doesn't crash the game to desktop, but rather freezes on the load screen, even while the menu music plays. It says "Game launched", but the progress bar just stays still and nothing happens.

I do seem to be able to load other games' saves though, and I only noticed this problem once I'd won my most recent game with a Score Victory then tried to load the final autosave.

Here are the saves that won't load:
Horatio 2a.zip

AutoSave 1865.zip

AutoSave 1864.zip

AutoSave 1863.zip

AutoSave 1862.zip

AutoSave 1861.zip

And here is the save I made at the very start of this game, which I am still able to load:

Horatio 2 (Start).zip

Exactly the same thing here.

After the "infinite-turn-bug" it begins to become truly boring.

None of my save files can be launched.

Here they are :


AutoSave 148.zip

AutoSave 147.zip

AutoSave 146.zip

And the diag. file (which ends with my ALT-F4 ragequit) :

Diagnostics - 2017'07'05 @1551'45''.html

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 5:13:16 PM

AmpliMath, is there any update on this issue? I was hoping there would be an update for ES2 this week so I could play some more, but alas that seems unlikely now.

Has it proved to be a more troublesome bug than you anticipated?

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7 years ago
Jul 7, 2017, 6:35:12 PM

I'm experiencing the same bug described by others with certain saved games (not just Autosaves) - I get stuck on "Launching Game" where the bar is roughly 60% of the way through loading, and I have to force close the game.  Older saves from the same game still work reliably.

Since I was deep into the game, I went back and found a save that could actually load and started saving every turn to isolate when the saves stopped working.  I'm posting here the last save that worked (at the beginning of Turn 145) and the next save that didn't (just after the beginning of Turn 145).  Note that I did not make any game actions between the two saves, except close the notification windows about certain events happening.  Not sure what the game processes while I read and close those event notifications, but it definitely caused the saves to stop working.

Please test these with whatever fix you're working on.  Thanks!

Working Save:   AutoSave 185.zip

Bad Save (same turn):  Save Bug Test.zip

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