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Turn 296 or something and can't load..... Help... Please?

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7 years ago
Jun 26, 2017, 4:18:12 AM

So Hi...

I recently continued a game of Endless space that I had been playing for a while as the Lumerus. 

It was on turn 92.

After playing for a bit though I had to go and on turn 246 or around there might be 296, I saved and left to go. 

During that time I had won an economic victory and had decided to keep playing.

When I came back to play which I have done six times now it just keeps loading on the screen when I play. This has happened many times and always after turn 100. 

I also am getting annoyed for the fact that everytime it does this I just happen to finally get the final ship the "Meos" which fully loaded with guns to go fight the Craver threat my Alliance was facing on the other side of the galaxy.

Does anyone understand why my game will not load after a certain amount of turns and also why it takes up about 4,905 to 8,563mb on my memory while loading.

I have a feeling the answer is simple and mean, but I really want to know if there is a way to fix it in the future.

Thankyou for your time whoever you are.

Just some extra stuff because I feel like it

Also cravers were spamming their gigantic ships and sending them off to fight in an unseen part of the map, which I found odd.

And at the time I was doing the academy quest, but when I finally was able to make an alliance with my neighbor the Empire, the sophon's, and Horatio, I found out the the empire was on the other team making the quest difficult to do without breaking an alliance with basically my Iron curtain. I use that reference because the map I'm on looks like the World War maps... yep.

Thanks again.

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7 years ago
Jun 26, 2017, 7:52:10 AM

Hey Altronza!

Can you post your saved game on the post? This would help us greatly to undestand what is going on.



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