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Are there known issues with custom races on large galaxy sizes? v1.018

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7 years ago
Jul 3, 2017, 5:12:46 PM

I can't seem to make it past mid tier, my games generally error by first keeping me from selecting a hero's skills, or I get stuck building the same building that errors out, and boom eventually freezes on the end turn, three or four turns after the errors come up.  Just curios if its me or game, pc is up to date.  So anotherwords I still experience that end turn AI lock bug that was supposed to be dead this time around.  Wanted to know if I was unique or there are others?

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7 years ago
Jul 3, 2017, 6:02:28 PM

Never mind read the bug report forum, its all over the place.  Answered my own Q 

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