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Video / Display Problems

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7 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 4:37:58 PM

I'm running ES2 V1.0.25, in the following video setup:   NVidia Geforce 9800 GT (Dual Monitor),  DirectX 12, Windows 10.  NVidia is configured for app 3D rendering and use of the video card GPUs. 

So here's the problems:   1.  Sometimes text will disapear, sometimes graphics (like planets, heroes, ships, etc) will disappear, sometimes [in dialog boxes] video presentation will rapidly flicker with bright lines], and video will freeze from time to time.    The only recover I can accomplish is to stop the game via the task manager and restart.   

Ideas?  Help?

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7 years ago
Jul 14, 2017, 1:25:15 PM

What he said, I think it has something to do with two monitor /4k higher resolution setups.  I have the same issues occasioinally.

nvda 1080x 4k

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7 years ago
Aug 14, 2017, 4:49:05 AM

Note the game requires DX11

The GT9800 is not DX11 compliant so it can't run the game

Any issues you have are likely due to you trying to trick unity into running in DX10 mode which is likely to cause problems in general

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