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[SOLVED - 1.036] Empty 'Load Game Screen' - game don't see saved games

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 11:45:57 AM


I'm fairly new to Endless Space 2, I bought the game just three days ago :) Until now I had no time to play a regular scenario and I've just looked at UI, artwork ang genereal beauty of the game. I read here that some folks have problems with saving games, especially after 100th turn, so I've decided to check saving for my own. And what I see is the game is able to saving games but doesn't see them. Saved files are in local folder or in "cloud" folder if I choose to save in cloud. I can delete them manually, copy them, rename them etc., but game just don't see them.

For me, playing Endless Space 2 now feels like playing one of 1990s demos :( Sadly, I don't see anyone's having the same problem here. Am I alone? I hope you can help despite this.

Imgur Link


Also - thank you alot for Endless Legend :) It is the best 4x game I've played since Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. I can't play ES2 now, but maybe it is the time to try at last ES1 or Dungeon of the Endless. Cheers!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 12:02:40 PM

This is a common problem, but one generally caused by the user end.

just rename your saves from "savename.tmp" to "savename.zip" and they should appear and work.

There is a better temporary solution than manually renaming the files;

In your save folder make a new text Document (.txt), Inside this file type (or copy and paste)

ren *.tmp *.zip

save the file and then rename it to something.bat when double-clicked it should make all .tmp files to .zip (you may need to press f5 to see the change)

You could place this file somewhere more accessible (such as your desktop) but to do so you must change the code to:

CD /d "C:\Users\username\Documents\Endless space 2\Save Files"
ren *.tmp *.zip

change the content in the "" to your save folder location. Also double check its working fine.

This Issue is normaly caused by something blocking Endless Space 2's access to the save game folder.

It is normally an anti-virus, so check that endless space 2 is whitelisted in your anti-virus settings.

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7 years ago
Aug 4, 2017, 4:22:24 PM

Thanks! Renaming files (deleting .tmp phrase in filename) helped.

But I tried to go deeper. Switching off entire antivirus (Avast Internet Security) does the job but it is of course not what I want to do :) I tried various antivir exclusions on saves folder and game folder (more than 10 combinations), I add ES2 to Avast Game List (or Game Mode?) and still nothing. But still thanks! I can now play the game :)

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7 years ago
Aug 10, 2017, 10:04:35 PM

Hi Rasal,

It seems some antiviruses (Avast among them) do not like the fact that we rename a tmp file to a zip file. In the 1.036 preview patch, we have renamed the saved game extension to .sav, while still allowing the load of previous zip files. It seems to do the trick (we bought an Avast license to check the fix )).

Please check the preview patch and let us know.


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