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Save game not loading, hangs. V1.0.37

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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 12:50:10 AM


Just picked the game up last week. I am a huge fan of Endless series. Having what seems to be the same issue eveyrone else has? Just needed some feedback. Currently I'm avoiding playing the game because I don't want to lose another game. The save file can be selected and then the loading hangs at about 60% and just stops the game.

I am extremely far into the game just because I really just want a complete domination, I'm being crazy but it's nice to see the spreading influence. I'm on turn 466 and I saved the game to restart it because something odd happened (see below). I attached the save file in question that won't load. I am using V1.0.37 S5 GOLD-Public.

AutoSave 466.sav

Odd Bug at Turn 466

A Vodyani Civ next to me had a blockade on a enemy I was fighting, I took the system from the enemy through invasion but the system is now stuck with a permanent harvest negative modifier that continually eats the systems down to nothing. there seems to be no way to stop it or make it go away. No enemy ships are in the system either. I was going to let it just die and repopulate it afterwrads and hope it goes away. The system is completely under my control but it just has a huge -800 food harvest modifier now. I haven't seen them yet but the cravers also stated they attacked me sneakily but they have no ships near me, so do I have an invisible craver modifying it or vodyani somehow harvesting it by accident, no idea. If you can load the save you will see what I mean.

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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 2:08:13 PM

Thanks for your report Chaotus!
Could you upload your diagnostics file to look into it? I asked a programmer to investigate these two issues.


In My Documents\Endless Space 2\Temporary Files, you'll find Diagnostics .html files that should be named like this: Diagnostics - 2017'05'02 @1706'42''.html

Make sure you give us the correct one by checking the numbers - they are the date (YYYY'MM'DD format) and time (@HHMM'SS" (24 hours format)).

 We do not need Diagnostics.css or Diagnostics.js

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 2:59:57 PM

I saw at least one instance of this as well, PMing you the diagnostic files, Dagart.

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7 years ago
Aug 30, 2017, 12:04:24 AM

I reattached a new save game file because I noticied the autosave is incrementing numbers wrongly, I think it is incrementing as all autosaves ever made and not based on the turn number of that specific game. My save file within the game states it should be Turn 242. I attempted to reload the save just now after starting the game up and then after it froze I attached the diagnostic file the game created for today when trying to open this save file. Again because of the numbering issue I'm not sure if that first save file is the right one or not so use this one instead just to be sure.

Stopping the Purge.sav

Diagnostics - 2017'08'29 @1957'27''.html

Thanks again guys!

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7 years ago
Aug 30, 2017, 10:05:43 AM

Hey folks!

I've been investigating your issue and I found that your save contained a a star system which failed to load.

Do you have the Diagnostics file of when the save was created?

It's probably much heavier, but it'll help me understand why and how all this happened, and ultimately make sure it won't happen again.

If you do not have the Diagnostics file, I believe the issue is located on either system Megrez or Imnos, do you remember if these are the systems with the weird behaviour you mentioned?

In the meantime, I have made sure the saves can be loaded anyway in this situation, and the fix should be in the next patch.

Thanks for your time!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 30, 2017, 11:36:35 PM

Yes, Megrez was the system. It was originally under control of Unfallen. being blockaded by a nearby Vodyani faction. I passively assimilated it and the Vodyani left and the vines retreated after 2 turns. But the system after like 2 turns started to lose pop. I checked and it was 100% controlled but had a -800+ food shortage designated Harvesting Fleets.

Thanks for looking in to it guys, much appreciated hopefully the information on the system elps as well.

I checked and I have the following Diagnostic files, I attached a screenshot of the folder because a few are huge and I'm not sure what you would want. But  if you have any need I'm more then willing to provide.  The save game itself was originally created on 8/26 at 1:00 AM but none of the diag files seem to match that time exactly.

Updated 7 years ago.
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