Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

After a few minutes the game crash...

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7 years ago
Sep 13, 2017, 9:01:34 PM


I bought the game I installed, I configured the graphics in the highest, I lowered the volume of the music and I started a new game. When finished loading and appeared the map crash. the screen locked the music continued normal when trying to click in any point of the screen blinked white and the mouse pointer was loading with the circle of windows and appeared the error message(EndlessSpace2.exe is not working). I was only able to enter the game again by restarting the computer. I made several attempts and crashed at several different times. the last one was when trying to change the graphics and locked it again. In other words, I could not play just watched the introduction.

My computer, AMD FX-8370E GeForce 960 6GB 8GB RAM DRIVER 385.41 1920 x 1080, 60Hz

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7 years ago
Sep 14, 2017, 7:03:37 AM

Can you please share some additional info?


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