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Memory Leak

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7 years ago
Oct 5, 2017, 9:06:32 AM

I managed to crash the game again after playing for a while.  Unfortunately, I did not have the process explorer running.  The sequence for the crash this time was:

1) Space battle; watch was deselected; closed the space battle report.

2) Ground battle start; watch was *selected*.

3) Windows error tone in the background.

4) Ground battle finished successfully; closed the ground battle report.

5) Moved a fleet or two around.

6) Went to edit a hero's ship; 3D model of the ship was missing and a black rectangle was present.

7) Right clicked repeatedly to get to the top map; clicked on the game menu button; saved the game successfully.

8) Clicked exit to desktop; game crashed.

Attached below is a screenshot right after the crash.

endless space 171005.jpg

Per the post above, I've attached the dxdiag along with the crash files and the save game.






Hope this helps.


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 24, 2017, 3:01:31 AM

Since I can't easily add any more RAM to this PC, I added a 2 GB swap file on my SSD.  I figured that since Windows 10 + Steam used around 1.5 GB of RAM before launching the game, this would in theory allow all of that to reside in the swap file and give the game access to the full 8 GB of RAM on the system.  So far, the game seems to be stable and I haven't received any low memory warnings or crashes.

AmpliMath wrote:

Hi all,

Our QA has managed to reproduce similar issues. It seems to happen when running the game on a computer with minimum specs. I do not see your dxdiag attached to your posts, we need this to confirm this lead. 


Out of curiosity, when QA reproduced the issue on a system with minimum specs, what was the exact memory configuration of RAM *plus* virtual memory of that system?  Looking at the system requirements on the steam store page, it says 4 GB RAM minimum with 8 GB RAM recommended.  If QA reproduced the issue using a 4 GB RAM plus 4 GB swap file system, can they also attempt to reproduce it with an 8 GB RAM plus zero GB swap file configuration (i.e., my configuration)?

In any case, hopefully this helps anyone else running into memory issues while playing the game.


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7 years ago
Oct 10, 2017, 7:07:32 AM

Hi gravenull,

what you see above is the 3D combat view behavior.

I will carry out some more tests tonight with different settings in order to have some comparison. I am sure we will then see significant differences.

However, I agree to you when you say that - regardless of the 3D battles - memory allocation rises over time; slowly but steadily... this is what the process explorer tool reveales very obviously.

There must be something else from my view as well.

Here is an example screenshot of what I mean:

Most significant rise in the end is caused by another 3D battle (plus a review of the same 3D battle).


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7 years ago
Oct 9, 2017, 2:37:54 PM

That does not indicate problem on your side at all. 

Did you enter combat view or did you choose quick resolution?

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7 years ago
Oct 9, 2017, 11:56:56 AM

Hi guys,

this is definitely an issue with my old graphics device... simply too less power. Just check the screenshot below, especially the GPU load.

Guess I will have to set the details to something else than "fantastic"... or buy a new graphics board. btw: my PC mounts a GeForce 550Ti :)

I will do another test regarding the memory behaviour with optimized graphics settings and post the results here. Please see statistics below, this is what happens when you set the graphic details to maximum:

So, all in all this does not seem to be an issue of the game, but my hardware.

Sorry for the inconvenience...

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7 years ago
Oct 9, 2017, 10:05:57 AM

I see you are on intel i5 760, so there is no point upgrading that configuration even though you could top it with 4x4GB modules.  

Its old enough so you can get tangible performace imporvement from upgrading, event to the lower end hardware.  The i3-8350K would be interesting choice (190 EUR), cheapest compatible Z370 motherboard is being sold for 135 EUR and you can get cheapest 2x8 GB DDR4 kit for about 130 EUR. Looking at rough benchmarks, you can expect at least double the performace from that. Likely much more. Rest of the components can be canibalized from you older rig, if it is desktop pc.

Either way, I would reccommend lowering graphics quality to fastest. Game seems to preload all graphics assets to memory at startup, and lowest quality models are still gorgeous while saving 2-3GB of memory.


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 9, 2017, 7:49:30 AM

Thanks for looking into this too gravenull.  I already filled all four RAM slots on this PC to bring it to 8 GB.  I probably won't have more RAM until I decide to just build an entirely new PC which probably won't be for a while.  Hopefully the developers can fix the memory issue.  For now, I just try to finish out the turn when I hear the low memory tone, exit the game, then restart from the autosave.


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7 years ago
Oct 8, 2017, 9:19:29 AM

Adding some hard values for comparison. Fresh game, 6 opponents, slow and large galaxy. Changed graphic quality setting from fantastic to fastest. Economic victory at turn 290+.

1) Initial game state, fresh instance sitting at the main menu

2) Finished game session at turn 290+. Highlighted value during game session, some assets were unloaded at victory recap screen.

3) Reloaded final autosave in fresh game instance. Notice the difference.

Question is, what kind session specific volatile data is being kept, resulting in difference between 2 a 3?

Save file AutoSave 6253.sav

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 8, 2017, 6:10:08 AM

While I haven't experienced out of memory crash, I can attest tha ESII is extremely memory hungry. At the end of uninterrzpted game session, I often see game gobbling up 10-11GB of memory (no, not a typo), when using fantastic graphics quality.

I prefer to play slow game of 6-8 opponents, no pirates (makes late game unplayable) and , large spiral galaxy and slow game speed. That often results 200+ game turn game lenght. 

Something, probaly AI is leaky, since exiting the game and reloading from save slashes memory consumption by gigabytes and always improves game performace (essential trick during beta, not so now). 

Question for devs, are there any ingame dev tools or performace profiling tools? I would really love to see what the engine is doing and where the truble lies. Out of gamer and professional curiosity.

HP2 - try out process explorer from sysinternals suite, it will give you nice historical graph with possibility of per process zoom. I would advise to double up your ram, but given the prices I understand the hesitation. I bought my own for peanuts in 2011, easily for one fifth of what cheapest equivalent costs now.

1- AutoSave 5961.sav (11 GB game session)

2- DxDiag.txt ( system config )

Edit: some clarification added.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 5:38:02 AM

After playing the game for a while, I'll hear a Windows 10 tone alerting me to a low memory situation.  If I ignore the tone the game will usually crash some time within the next 30 minutes (usually when starting a space battle).

To avoid game crashes, I'll usually save the game, exit to desktop, and then restart the game whenever I hear the tone.  Just recently, I got the tone during the turn right before I won the game.  I saved my game (which is attached below), then hit 'End Turn'.  I was taken to the 'You are victorious' screen.  When I hit the 'Score screen' button, the game then froze (it froze *before* playing the Unfallen victory cinematic).  I couldn't actually exit or force close the game.  I was able to alt-tab and see the Windows 10 screen preview images telling me of the low memory error and a message about a crash dump folder (contents are atteched below), but I was unable to actually close the game.  I eventually hit the reset button on my PC to reboot.

Unfallen Ring 10 Wonder Victory.sav




The low memory situation comes up reliably during long playing sessions (I want to say > 1 hour), but since the incovenience is not overly burdensome to the way that I play, I haven't bothered to submit a bug report for it.  This time, it coincidentally occurred right as I beat the game, so the save file and error report were just in the right place for me to go through the motions of writing this up.  Note that after rebooting the PC, I was able to load up the save game, win, watch the Unfallen victory cinematic, and browse the score screen with no problems.

Not sure how much this helps.


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7 years ago
Oct 4, 2017, 3:36:03 PM

Hi all,

Our QA has managed to reproduce similar issues. It seems to happen when running the game on a computer with minimum specs. I do not see your dxdiag attached to your posts, we need this to confirm this lead. 


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7 years ago
Oct 4, 2017, 8:53:59 AM

Hi Icarus,

I will try the process explorer tool as well.


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7 years ago
Oct 4, 2017, 8:53:01 AM

Hello guys,

I have the same problem on my system.

Here is my configuration:

Windows 7, 64Bit


intel i5 quad core CPU

(so doesnt seem to be relevant at all, as there is some significant differences)

I am running version 1.0.57.

The problem seems to be linked to the 3D battles in some way. I made further investigations on the memory usage. Each time a battle is started, the allocated memory rises by maybe 300MB.

I had these probelms before with older game versions (I think 1.0.20) but it disappeared with 1.0.47. Now it's back.

At the moment I dont have the possibility to post my savegame.

Please tell me if you need it. i will then post it asap.


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7 years ago
Oct 4, 2017, 8:40:25 AM


Could you try to monitor the game with Process Explorer (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer)?

This could perhaps help the devs get a better understanding.

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7 years ago
Oct 2, 2017, 3:01:45 PM

Hi hp2,

We have tried playing very long sessions to replicate the issue, so far with no success. We will keep you informed.


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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 6:40:00 AM

endless space 170928.jpg

Was able to get it to crash after playing for a while again.  This time, I was able to force close the program instead of hitting the reset button on my PC.  Attached above is a screenshot that I managed to take when the Windows 10 error tone came up.


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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 5:42:16 AM

Forgot to mention that I am running game version V1.0.54 S5 GOLD-Public via steam.


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