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Whole Factions disappearing in single turn.

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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 2:43:59 PM

Dear Amplitude.

So I've been playing game and everything was fine untill, i came upon a gamebreaking issue. in 8 faction singleplayer matches, around turn 100, other factions just started disappearing,

it was like: Horatio is no longer in (name of aliance), and then the notification that the horatio is defeated. it also happened to other AI's even not from my aliance. This was extremally wierd because they banished without any reason and didnt left any clues, no population, no ships and no new owner of these systems, Just like they were never there. Their homeworlds are still there tho. I would like to say that this only happened once but its not true. It happened in every single game i played and it started around month ago. You need to know that I got no mods activated and I match all system requierments.

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