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[PC] Game crashes during initial launch

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7 years ago
Sep 29, 2017, 9:14:18 PM

Game crashes during initial launch (of whole game not of matches) on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.  I've tried adding an Nvidia profile for ES2 as was suggested elsewhere on this forum and I've also tried updating to latest drivers.  I've tried it with various levels of memory in use (it was at 87% the first time I tried) and explicitly running as an admin (even tho I already am), but that seems to have no effect.    This is the first time launching ES2 on this computer if memory serves me correctly. 

Original Drivers and 1st launch: 2017-09-29_140740.zip  

Newer Drivers: 2017-09-29_152148.zip

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7 years ago
Oct 1, 2017, 8:54:31 PM
satoru wrote:

Please upload your ouput_log and diagnostics files

I posted the error output files as they appear in my directory.  Each of those .zips contains the crash.dmp, error.log, output_log.txt for that specific attempted launch.  To my knowledge there are no other files that were generated by the errors.  

My registry.xml (which I assume is using the default settings since I haven't been able to get into the game to change anything) is set for Vsynch on (1), Fullscreen, 60Hz Refresh Rate, 1920x1080 (60) resolution, Beautiful quality, and 100 as the target frame rate.  My monitor is 1920x1080 60hz so that doesnt seem like it should be a problem.  

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7 years ago
Oct 5, 2017, 2:59:50 AM
satoru wrote:

Please upload your ouput_log and diagnostics files

And for clarification if 

"Diagnostic files (select the correct file by looking at the name like "Diagnostics - 2016'10'11 @1407'46''" that gives you the date and hour which should correspond to a save file)

  • PC: located by default under "C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\Endless Space 2\Temporary Files" "

is what youre referring to, I'm afraid there are none as there is not even a Temporary Files folder.  Indeed, the only thing in the ES2 folder here is 2 end game summaries for games played on a different computer.  

And by "Game crashes during initial launch (of whole game not of matches)," I mean that the Steam launching box opens, then a taskbar icon for ES2 pops up and then about a second later the error message pops up.

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