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[PC] Game hangs on first ship sending on first turn

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7 years ago
Oct 19, 2017, 2:07:46 PM

Hi, guys!
I just install and start first game and on the very first turn I'm tring to send my ship to the nearest star and that is all - the game hangs (don't responding to anything and just music plays at background). 

Repeate: 5/5


It looks like infinite loop or deadlock. Everything else I could click on first turn works pretty good. Turn could be ended but on second turn I got the same behaviour.

There are no crash report because there are no actual crash. If wait and see memory cosumption and not close game right a way - memory is consumed rapidly (two screens attached).

Thank you.

Diagnostics - 2017'10'19 @2039'33''.html





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7 years ago
Oct 19, 2017, 3:13:57 PM

At last succesfully fixed the issue!!

It dissapeared after installation of latest K-Lite Codec Pack (K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1360_Mega).

May be you should add it to generall PC troubleshouting.

Good luck.

Updated 7 years ago.
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