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Steam Achievements not Unlocking

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7 years ago
Oct 28, 2017, 12:46:11 AM

Hi there,

As the title says, my Steam achievements are not unlocking for Endless Space 2. I have only just noticed, despite playing this excellent game for 170+ hours!

I am using some mods....but given that, I have zero achievements - surely I would have unlocked some whilst playing unmodded, when the game was first released?

Thanks in advance, and please inform me of any extra iformation you need.

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7 years ago
Oct 28, 2017, 8:06:06 AM

Using any mods will disable achievements, But there are not many easy to get achievements, the easiest one is Getting Schooled - Level up a Hero to level 10

So it is possible that you did not get one during unmodded play as you did not meet the requirements.

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