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[Endless Space 2] Game works as normal on main menu, starts actual game with no video

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7 years ago
Nov 17, 2017, 3:29:37 AM

Esentially what the title says. Only thing to add is that the application shows me my desktop as if it had minimized (but it didn't), mouse cursor remains stylized as if in the game, can move the cursor around and press buttons blindly, and sound starts. This phenomena starts as soon as a game finishes loading, from the faction video all the way to the actual start.

My graphics card is an Gforce GTX 660, latest drivers are on, followed advice on the sticky, it didn't work.

Furthermore, by adding -d10 to launch options, the game was able to work normally for a second before it returned, but the output file showed no mentions of the option, and the shader its trying (and failing) to create is still dx11.

 Output file:


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7 years ago
Nov 18, 2017, 5:51:56 PM

Two more things that might help; I have the most recent drivers for my video card, yet they still crash somehow;


This image shows the driver I have, and the error message I get when the game fails to show video (not a crash)

Here's my DxDiag;


Also, I have done every step in the FAQ, furthermore, I am not on a laptop and my card is enabled through the GeForce config for the game.

I will lastly add that, while I had setted up trying endless space 2 until this free weekend, I have ran, played (and mostly loved) all other Amplitude games I have played. It honestly saddens me that there is this issue that makes it impossible for me to play the game precisly now where I could try it and buy it.

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7 years ago
Nov 19, 2017, 7:28:55 PM

I  upgraded my k-lite to mega as recomended, and it worked for a second before suffering from the same issue when I opened a menu.

Here's the new output generated, again, no crash, just a lot of failures to create shaders.


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 20, 2017, 7:01:55 PM

Free weekend is (almost) over, so i didn't  buy the game. I guess I will wait for nvidia to update their drivers and another sell to attempt to buy this game.

Updated 7 years ago.
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