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Not all/No multiplayer games visible in lobby

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7 years ago
Nov 18, 2017, 7:24:52 AM


I have been away from the game and just happened to return to play ES2 durign what should be a very busy time for play ES2 online muliplayer durign thsi free weekend.

However I have struggled over the last six hours to even find a game in the lobby, let alone one that I can join.  Same with tryign to host a game.  I spent maybe 3 hrs waiting and maybe 2 people joined and then left.

And I have just confirmed with a Steam friend that we do not see the same games in the muliplayer lobby. I hosted a game, he couldn't see it. He hosted a game, I couldn't see it. I then invited him to my game and he joined OK. He invited me to his game and I joined OK.

What is going on?

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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 11:14:18 PM

Devs are aware of this trouble. It never happened before. At the moment it seems, you only see lobbies from same localization. I guess it's steam related trouble - not sure about. You can check out other localizations manually by steam settings -> download -> download region. Best way is, you invite friends (location doesn't matter) from steam list - as a workaround.

Other thread - devs answer

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7 years ago
Dec 6, 2017, 2:00:43 AM

Best way its create good global server list one for all regions with ping and other stuff. People cant play MP, coz they simply cant find rooms lol, its realy rare to play with randoms, every time private lobbys with same people from friendlist.

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