Diagnostic Files:

Diagnostics - 2017'11'19 @0457'30''.html

Output Log:


DxDiag Report:


Save Files:

AutoSave 2915.sav


Summary: The Game has become unresponsive in a six player game (single player) as the Unfallen, around turn 213-218. It is strange because I only ran into the problem about half-way into turn 213-214. I noticed it happen as I tried to move one of my fleets into position and give new building orders to a system. Once the bug happened, I could no longer order new structures built in systems, I could not level up my heroes, and I could not move my fleets. I tried to save the game once, and the save process hung and could not complete. I exited the game and I tried to reload the save in hopes that would fix it, but the problem is still there. As a final effort, I verified the integrity of the game cache, but that did not fix the problem either. 

Disappointed because I was really close to winning XP, but I hope this can be fixed in the next big update.

Let me know if you need anything else :).